Clan Raid Log Parser Library -- Raid.ash


Another Library -- Yay!
It contains functions to parse the raid logs and detect basement images.
Running it directly will output a sample of what it can do.
Works great as a stand alone information script, but would work better as a library.
I hope to inspire someone to build a relay script out of it so as to have an ash equilivant to DrEvi1's Raid Log Manager (Greasemonkey script). Unfortunately, I am terrible with html.

Here is the good part, NONE.

To Do List:
Parse Old Clan Logs
Build Relay Version (maybe)

version 20111019RAID
fixed error detecting misc zones

version 20110505RAID
Cinco de Mayo
added Lite Version Checker
added Test Function for item Distrubution
added function to convert ID to player name

Version 20110504
AlphaBeta Release


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I hate html myself and I'm not spending much time in Hobopolis these days, so I hope someone else will build the relay script. Since I don't prefer Firefox, I had been wanting someone to make a raid relay script for a long time so I echo your hope that this will provide inspiration. When the day arrives that I'm back in a clan dungeon I'll be glad for it.
Mmft. I've had something that stores the data from the raid logs locally so as to not hammer the server more than necessary -- that was one of the issues I had with the raid log manager. This script does provide some framework that might be helpful, but I could just as easily check out some very old clan logs to see if I can find all the requisite chunks of text. Or read the code for the raid manager.

I might try (again) whipping together a relay script after this week; should have more time then. Will see.
I've had something that stores the data from the raid logs locally so as to not hammer the server more than necessary -- that was one of the issues I had with the raid log manager.

Please explain. How could you make use of data stored locally when the actions of a clannie can change the log at any time. Even if you check the chat channel, that doesn't inform you of everything.
Erm, was referring to old logs (and the loot -- namely, what got distributed to whom). Sorry if that wasn't clear.

To elaborate: the raid log manager had a nifty button to load all loot logs, but this could take a while and created a bunch of extra server hits.
I haven't got that far yet, I don't necessary have a need for that functionally (distribution) so I haven't spent as much time on perfecting the matchers for old logs.
The matchers on this script will likely need some extra work to parse old logs.
Preliminary version, which I've had for some time. Only works for Hobopolis, but I figure that's enough framework up for now.

Notes: dungeonlog.ash populates the loot tables used by relay_DungeonParser.ash. The .txt files should go in your /data folder, dungeonlog.ash should go in your /scripts folder, and everything else should go in your /relay folder.

If you want, you can add the following line to the top of relay_DungeonParser.ash to run dungeonlog.ash automatically:
cli_execute('call scripts/dungeonlog.ash')

clan_raidlogs is a relay override that mimics the Hobopolis component of the GM raid log manager script (css file was essentially lifted from that script's code). Could add a link to relay_DungeonParser, but I've really had no time to modify this lately.

No script dependencies whatsoever, aside from those included here.

Enjoy and have fun!


Updated Raid.ash
Very small error keeping it from seeing the Misc Zones like the Haunted House.

I built this little script for the Haunted house to give me an approximation of how many monsters are left.
This does need some spading, hopefully adjusting the constants at the top may give you more accurate info.
Alpha release, limited support.
Requires Raid.ash ^^


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thanks for these...but uh, it seems not to parse the Haunted house at all. The sorority_raid.ash is telling me there are ~300 of each monster left, when I can clearly see hundreds of adventures have been spent. Perhaps the raid_ash isn't handling the misc areas correctly? any thoughts? help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It's working for me using today's daily build. I had problems with yesterday's build with mafia recognizing the type of monster encountered in the sorority house. That seems fixed now too.

Edit: I do get the same error with a hobopolis and slime tube run currently open in the same dungeon.
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Draven said:
Edit: I do get the same error with a hobopolis and slime tube run currently open in the same dungeon.

Yeah that seems to be the issue, and it's how the IF statements are set up in the raid.ash file. I'm not savvy at all in how to change this, seeing as I only care about the immediate usage for the Haunted House, any ideas how it can be fixed to work? Tell me what/how to edit it and I will.

Thanks in advance,

It worked last night, I made it while playing at the same time so I am sure there are a few errors.
I thought that the 4 new lines added to raid.ash would have fixed the problem.
The Misc zone should be identical to that of crimbo last year, the base code is unmodified from last year.
If there is a slight difference then I didn't catch it last night when I wrote this thing.
I will give it another shot tonight.

Quick question.
Does raid.ash by itself work for you?

The Slime Tube has a high chance of conflicting.
One thing to check is that when the logs are parsed in, it creates a log in your data folder that I use for troubleshooting purposes: "mredge73_RAID.txt"
This is regenerated every time it is run so no need to keep it but works well for troubleshooting.
Check to see if there is any mention of ghosts,zombies,vampires,werewolf in that file.
The very first column is the zone number, 5 is reserved for Misc zones.
When it parses correctly, the log will be in there with the number 5 in the first column.
If it under the wrong zone (10) then I screwed something up for sure.

Updated previous post for SororityRaid.ash.
I cannot test it but I should have corrected the error.
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Made some changes to Sorority Raid based off of Wiki data.
Much more accurate... for those of you that can actually use it.

I also think I fixed the error on raid.ash conflicting with the slime tube.
try out the new version, hopefully it works now.
I just tried your newest versions. Nope. I looked at your parsed text only has hobopolis and slime tube info in it.

I'm not a programmer, but shouldn't there be a haunted sorority house array in raid.ash to make sure the miscellaneous section of The Haunted Sorority House is being populated? Seems that intial if statement, where it defines arrays is skipping the house entirely if you have open instances of other dungeons, is what is bogging the whole thing I have both Hobopolis open and the slime tube still open.

Side thought...can this be simplified to only parse Haunted sorority house information?

Thanks so much for all your efforts. Once it's working it will go along way to helping me, and others like me.
That's really odd because I ran the file and it worked just fine, apart from the fact that it seems to miss some of the ML changes but that is not important.

Edit: OTOH I don't have anything else open so that may very well be the culprit.
My clan is just running back to back sorority runs right now. I am having a hard time testing it to find the culprit because neither slime nor hobo are open right now.
I do know that it worked perfectly last year for crimbo2010, without any modifications. Something may have changed (very slightly) to how the log prints out for the haunted house.
A known conflict occurs because I have the same matcher for Misc zones (haunted house / crimbo2010) and the slime tube.
I have to separate them first by grouping the haunted house with Hobopolis (or build a more complex matcher).

I will work on it some more tonight if I have time, there is probably a very simple solution that I am currently not seeing.
My hunch is that this zone may need to be handled separately like the slime tube is since it is not actually part of Hobopolis (unlike Elf Alley which was a part of Hobopolis).
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If you first group the dungeons by block and then only look for matches in the respective blocks you should be fine (and you'll probably have to make the change anyway for old logs). The matcher for the blocks are in my similarly-themed relay script but i think it's as simple as dungeonName+"</b>(.+?)</table>"
I figured it would be very easy. Thanks Bordemstirs.

Raid.ash updated, should work now (crosses fingers).

I fixed the ML thing with SororityRaid.ash, uploaded, works now.

Feel free to build a pretty interface for this :)
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