Way to get mall prices for all your inventory?

I looked at that script again recently, and I had to fix a few things but I don't remember what. Here is an updated version... don't forget to type "zlib priceAnalyzer_onlyLocationDrops = true" in the gCLI, and you need to edit the script to enter the locations you want to check.


I have a few questions about the categories on the HTML page..
Items, Amount, Mall price and autosell value are all pretty obvious, but the rest?

PriceAdvisor profit: Is this the calculated profit if you just do what the Advisor suggest? Is this including expenses to aquire items that it need?
Example: acquire 4 handful of sand; make 1 brick of sand; acquire 19 brick of sand; make 1 sandcastle; mallsell 1 sandcastle. PriceAdvisor profit then calculate that I also spend meat to get the handfuls of sand?

Total Profit: How is this calculated? With the numbers I have, I assume the script consider that if I used all my current meat to do what it suggest, buying parts to construct the finished product and then mallsell (or whatever it suggest), that I could get such a high profit if it all sell?
Items: beige clambroth marble
Amount: 1
Mall Price: 160000
Autosell Price: 64
PriceAdvisor Profit: 49695000
Total Profit: 49695000
PriceAdvisor Recomendation: acquire 1 beige clambroth marble; make 1 steely marble; acquire 1 steely marble; make 1 beach ball marble; mallsell 1 beach ball marble

Beige clambroth marble is currently 144 000 meat in the Mall, but the difference there is not that big if you think that the price fluctuate and just might not be 100 accurate.
Beach ball marble is currently 495 594 meat (Palindrome prices ftw!).
495 594 - (2 * 144 000) = 207 594 meat profit if it sell.
Now, where did PriceAdvisor get "PriceAdvisor Profit: 49695000" and "Total Profit: 49695000" from?
Yes I know that my current mallprices are not the same as what PriceAdvisor use but: 49 695 000 / 207 594 = 239. It assume I can do this 239 times?

The same with BRICKO-bricks
Items: BRICKO eye brick
Amount: 477
Mall Price: 110
AutoSell Price: 0
PriceAdvisor Profit: 482500
Total Profit: 230152496
PriceAdvisor Recomendation: acquire 3700 BRICKO brick; make 1 BRICKO cathedral; mallsell 1 BRICKO cathedral

if I buy the BRICKO bricks from the Mall I do get roughly the right PriceAdvisor profit (I use the current mallprices and not whatever stored mallprices that the script is using) but where is this 230 152 496 meat profit coming from?

Then I should not go into what Flamingo Mallet is supposed to sell for in the Mall (987 654 321 meat according to the script, or rather the data the script use. The real price is 150 000 meat).

EDIT: I consider posting this in the thread for PriceAdvisor as this script is based pretty much on that, all the estimations and all that, so anyerror on that part should be due to PriceAdvisor and not PriceAnalyzer.
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PriceAdvisor Profit: 49695000
Total Profit: 49695000
PriceAdvisor Recomendation: acquire 1 beige clambroth marble; make 1 steely marble; acquire 1 steely marble; make 1 beach ball marble; mallsell 1 beach ball marble
Now, where did PriceAdvisor get "PriceAdvisor Profit: 49695000" and "Total Profit: 49695000" from?
> ash mall_price($item[beach ball marble])

Searching for "beach ball marble"...
Returned: 50000000
mall_price always returns the 5th cheapest value for an item. In this case, the 5th cheapest is 100x more expensive that the 1st cheapest. In fact, the difference between 4th cheapest (750,000) and 5th is 49,250,000.

Everything is working exactly as it's supposed to be working.
PriceAdvisor profit: Is this the calculated profit if you just do what the Advisor suggest? Is this including expenses to aquire items that it need?
The profit is the meat you will make if you already have the item in your inventory. The opportunity cost of any other ingredients used in the process (ie the value you could get with the best advice, either the mall price or more) is taken into account.
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