I'll leave my previous post here in case someone wants to try the same kind of thing (quick abstract: it doesn't work).
You can use this alias instead:
[B]famdrop[/B] => ashq string d; string n;string f = my_familiar().to_string();switch(f) {case "Li'l Xenomorph":d="transponder";n="transporter transponder";break;case "Baby Sandworm":d="agua";n="agua de vida";break;case "Green Pixie":d="absinthe";n="tiny bottle of absinthe";break;case "Llama Lama":d="gong";n="llama gong";break;case "Astral Badger":d="astral";n="astral mushroom";break;case "Rogue Program":d="token";n="game grid token";break;default: return false;}int num=5-get_property("_"+d+"Drops").to_int();if(num>0)cli_execute("goals add "+num+" "+n);
Copy this in the gCLI to create the alias, then just type
famdrop to add the correct number of drops to your current goals.
Here is something you can put in your mood:
Trigger On: Unconditional trigger
Check For: <empty>
Command: call choose_fam.ash <option>
where <option> can be the name of the familiar you want to get the drops from (either the full name, or
green pix,
sandw or variations of those), or it can be
all if you want to cycle through all your spleen familiars.
call choose_fam.ash all will simply get one drop from your each of your spleen familiars, then start again until you have 2 drops from each, etc...
The script will abort once you have all the drops that were configured. To avoid it from aborting, you can change the command to
call choose_fam.ash OFF, or you can remove it from your mood (or the script can be imported in a betweenBattle script and handled completely differently).
You will have to edit the script to change the number of drops to get (default is 5).
EDIT: there's something wrong with the familiar switching, Mafia tries to equip your old familiar's equipment on the new one. I'm trying to find out what's going on.
EDIT2: oh well, I finally remembered that Mafia creates a checkpoint before running a mood, so it will try to re-equip the previous familiar equipment in any case. Well, this idea didn't work out so well =)