Bug - Fixed Crown of Thrones messing with familiars


Active member
Swapping aro9und familiars in the Crown of Thrones seems to really mess with Mafia. For example, as of this writing, I have my stocking mimic out and a flaming gravy fairy in the throne, but mafia is showing a jack-in-the-box as my current familiar and keeps adjusting weight for it. I did have the jack in the throne at one point.
Don't you just hate it when KoLmafia doesn't handle unique new content which was released yesterday?
Don't you just hate it when KoLmafia doesn't handle unique new content which was released yesterday?
Yes. But I read the OP as a "here's something to remember WHEN the new content is addressed" as opposed to a complaint that it wasn't addressed. Perhaps we should have a Bug report prefix "New Content" for information which might be useful when addressing the new content but in no way is intended to be a complaint about the absence of support?
For reference:

From inventory page, click on "show crown":


On that page, each familiar has a "put in Crown of Thrones" link

Put a familiar into Crown of Thrones:

Your BRICKO chick, 5719 Grrl,  is now carried in the Crown of Thrones.

Remove a familiar from Crown of Thrones:

Crown of Thrones vacated.

On the familiar page:

<tr><td>In Your Crown of Thrones:</td><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/brickochick.gif" class=hand onClick='fam(123)'></td><td><b>5719 Grrl</b></td><td>  <a href="familiar.php?&action=hatseat&famid=0&pwd=fdbb5310e7cb3559cafec5186085ebf2"><font size=1>[kick out]</font></a></td></tr>

With a familiar in the Crown of Thrones, on the charsheet:

<tr><td width=30 height=30><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/brickochick.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(239178788)'></td><td valign=center><b>Crown of Thrones</b></td></tr>

Item description of Crown of Thrones while occupied:

Current Occupant:  <b>5719 Grrl, the BRICKO chick</b>
Yes. But I read the OP as a "here's something to remember WHEN the new content is addressed" as opposed to a complaint that it wasn't addressed. Perhaps we should have a Bug report prefix "New Content" for information which might be useful when addressing the new content but in no way is intended to be a complaint about the absence of support?

That would be kinda nice. As we discover how the new stuff interacts with Mafia, we can report the oddities. That was honestly how I meant it. Wasn't trying to be sassy, Veracity. I save that for the turtles. (Don't ask.)

OK, nailed when it actually glitched. Here's how things sat: I had a Baby Gravy Fairy (Lumpless) as my active familiar, my Sleazy Gravy Fairy (Slutty Lump) in the crown, and my stocking mimic (Sweet Sock) as my favorite familiar. When I clicked on the mafia interface to change familiars, I chose my Stocking Mimic, which was at the top of the list since he's my favorite. The icon for him was for the Sleazy Gravy Fairy. I selected it and the CLI printed out this message:
> familiar Stocking Mimic

Putting Lumpless the Baby Gravy Fairy back into terrarium...
Taking Slutty Lump the Stocking Mimic out of terrarium...
Requests complete.
Now my stocking mimic doesn't show up anywhere unless I don't have a familiar. And even then, it shows the Sleazy Gravy Fairy icon. And when I select that to be my active familiar, it says this:
> familiar Stocking Mimic

Taking     Sweet Sock the Stocking Mimic out of terrarium...
Requests complete.
...but still takes out my Sleazy Gravy Fairy. Refreshing the session doesn't help, nor does selecting the mimic throught relay. This lasts until I exit mafia (don't know if logging out or in would work). What's worse is everything thinks my sleazy fairy is out. For example, I have a stasis script that waits until round 10 to attack with my mimic out so he can drop meat. Now, even with a mimic selected in the relay, it's killing things as fast as possible. Mafia also thinks I have a boost to item drops when I have my mimic out.
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