SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

That's what I usually do. It's nice to get assurance that I'm following proper procedure.

I'm a little disappointed that you lied about the timing of your update, but I'll get over it. ;)
Forgot to mention in the updates: SS will now stasis monsters Outside the Club to learn DB Nemesis dance skills. I won't be able to test for another few days, so I'd appreciate feedback. First, does it work? Second, does it work well?

EDIT: I suppose I should also add auto-learning the combos! SS seems to be my DB script.

SC: AutoClub
AT: RandBot

Only those poor Saucerors haven't gotten any special scripting love from me.
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Only those poor Saucerors haven't gotten any special scripting love from me.

I'm well aware of that. SS means that I need a consult script for sauce splashing since I don't know how many rounds it will use. I use this:

[ default ]
1: consult SmartStasis.ash
2: consult sauceSplash.ash

import <FirstThingsFirst.ash>

boolean sauceSplash() {
	if(!(have_effect($effect[Jabañero Saucesphere]) >0 || have_effect($effect[Jalapeño Saucesphere]) >0))
		return false;
	int normal = numeric_modifier("spell damage");
	if(normal >= 25)
		return true;
	int cold = numeric_modifier("cold spell damage");
	int hot = numeric_modifier("hot spell damage");
	if(have_skill($skill[Immaculate Seasoning]) && cold != hot && max(cold, hot) + normal >= 25)
			return true;
	if(monster_element() == $element[cold] && cold + normal >= 25 
	  && (have_skill($skill[Immaculate Seasoning]) || have_equipped($item[Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire])))
		return true;
	if(monster_element() == $element[hot] && hot + normal >= 25
	  && (have_skill($skill[Immaculate Seasoning]) || have_equipped($item[Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration]) 
	  || have_equipped($item[Ol' Scratch's manacles]) ||(have_equipped($item[Ol' Scratch's ash can]) && my_class() == $class[Sauceror])))
		return true;
	return false;

void main(int initround, monster foe, string url) {
	if(have_effect($effect[Burning Soul]) || have_effect($effect[Soul Freeze]) || !sauceSplash())
		try_skill(url, $skill[Saucegeyser]);
		try_skill(url, $skill[Wave of Sauce]);
[strike]Thinking of adding the baby bugged bugbear to the list of stasis familiars?

While it has its zap cap on it drops a few interesting items.

Keep up the shockingly good work.[/strike]

Ah, sorry.

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Sometimes it uses static shock, sometimes it spams my turtle totem, sometimes it just one-shots the monster. I'm so lost. Any plans to treat muscle like moxie for characters with hero of the half-shell? That would make it a little more predictable.

Please don't stasis quantum mechanics. They're really hard. :(
It already considers Half-Shell.

It uses Static Shock if you are stasising, have it available, need MP, and it won't kill the monster.

Mafia's internal ML data for the Dungeons of Doom / Greater-Than Sign has not been accurate since that zone was updated, which means right now if you use SS in the DoD you'll probably get killed. I've been hoping for that fix for a while -- at the moment, my consult scripts are basically useless in that zone. For now, use a different CCS in the Dungeons of Doom, or adventure there manually.
Yep, I was just baout to say that. It's not an error, it's more of a warning in case you actually wanted to use a macro in your CCS and pointing out that the "consult smartstasis.ash" in your current CCS makes this not possible.
SS will only stasis when you don't outmoxie for the specific cases listed in the first post -- presently, that's gremlins, getting essence discs, and learning Rave skills.
Either you're not safe, or the monster doesn't have enough meat/item drops to make the combos profitable. If you are in the clear, SS performs DB combos when they are both available and profitable.
SS will only stasis when you don't outmoxie for the specific cases listed in the first post -- presently, that's gremlins, getting essence discs, and learning Rave skills.
mine's definitely stasising with the mosquito and I'm not safe or even apparently safe. do you want a debug log?
I know this is stupid, but teleportitis really sucks at level 8
He can read well -- the issue is that mafia thinks you're safe when you're actually not, due to incorrect ML data. There's nothing to debug; just wait for the fix (in mafia, not SS) and don't use SS in the Dungeons of Doom until that happens.