Zlib Variable Editor- Post the details of your script to have it supported!

After a brief discussion in this thread, I have decided to create a graphical variable editor for scripts that use the vars_myname.txt file with Zlib. If you have a script that you would like supported please post the following information:
  • Your Script's Name
  • A list of every variable pulled from vars_myname.txt
  • A short description of what each value is for
  • The default value for each Variable

If your script depends on any other scripts that use the vars_myname.txt file, please specify which scripts are dependencies.
There's about 25 of them in eatdrink, but all the info you're asking for is documented in the script itself.
There's about 25 of them in eatdrink, but all the info you're asking for is documented in the script itself.

I only see 8 in the first post of the thread for it, 3 of which are in vars_myname.txt. I would run it myself to see what it makes, but alas, I'm running oxigenarian right now.
Just do a search for setvar(".

You should be able to run it as oxy and have the variables all set for you even though no consumption will occur.
  • Your Script's Name
  • A list of every variable pulled from vars_myname.txt
  • A short description of what each value is for
  • The default value for each Variable
  • BaleCC_SrInHC: (default: false) Automate Semi-rares in Hardcore and Ronin. If this is false, then you won't have to worry about CounterChecker determining your semi-rares for you while ascending.

  • BaleCC_useDanceCards: (default: true) Use another dance card after going to the Ballroom for Dancing Matilda. Unfortunately this will not trigger if you are already adventuring in the Ballroom. :(

  • BaleCC_ImprovePoolSkills: (default: false)If you are automating semi-rares, then instead of choosing an expensive semi-rare item, your character will improve his chance of winning at the VIP Pool Table.
Does anyone know of a place that lists all possible familiar names as recognized by mafia? In Zarqon's Wossname script there are several fields that require a familiar name, and I would like to cut down on user error by putting them all into a dropdown list. All I really need to know is whether or not the names in the wiki are the same as the names required for the script. Any thanks would be greatly appreciated!

You do build from the source, don't you? I mean, considering you have made packages from the .jar, I assumed you had checked out the sources and built from them...

You do build from the source, don't you? I mean, considering you have made packages from the .jar, I assumed you had checked out the sources and built from them...

lol. No need for a .deb. All I had to do was create a directory structure, control file, and desktop entry, and then dpkg combined it all into proper tar.gz archives recognizable by dpkg, apt and aptitude. I downloaded the source tarball, and found that file. It was immensely helpful. Development is going to take a little bit longer than I originally anticipated, simply because I didn't remember how many variables were in vars_myname.txt, especially since there are about 25 in a script I'm not currently using. I will post some screenshots of what I have so far soonish.
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Screenshots! The first screenshot is the main screen when you open the program. I am going for a minimalist feel on the UI if you can't tell.

The second screenshot is after selecting a few scripts to configure. As you select and deselect scripts to edit, the program dynamically adds and removes tabs corresponding to each script. This way you only see what you want to see.

The last screenshot is in the One-Click Wossname tab (still in progress). When you go to select values for all fields whose value would be in a set range, an auto-completable list of all possible values will pop up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • mainScreen.png
    24.1 KB · Views: 60
  • tabsAdded.png
    28.9 KB · Views: 61
  • dropDown.png
    93.4 KB · Views: 59
I am trying my hardest to make a relatively high quality piece of software so development is not quite as fast as I had originally intended, but I am glad to announce that One-Click Wossname support is now complete! Right now you can read, edit, and then save your Wossname variables in an easy GUI. Video coming soon!

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By the way, now you can get a complete list for any mafia type by using this in the CLI:

ash foreach f in $familiars[] print(f);

Could be useful for your project, methinks.