The former, as useless as it was in Bees Hate You.
[color=green]> inv a-boo[/color]
A-Boo clue (2)
A-Boo glue (2)
[color=green]> create 2 glued a[/color]
[color=red][glued a] cannot be created.[/color]
[color=green]> use 2 a-boo g[/color]
Using A-Boo glue (1 of 2)...
You acquire an item: glued A-Boo clue
Using A-Boo glue (2 of 2)...
You acquire an item: glued A-Boo clue
Finished using 2 A-Boo glue.
[color=green]> inv a-boo[/color]
A-Boo clue (2)
glued A-Boo clue (2)
This.When using glued a-boo clues and running through the noncombat, kolmafia helpfully gives you a link to use an a-boo clue, which isn't really all that helpful
A SUSE concoction for A-Boo clue which also requires an A-Boo clue would fix all of the above.
Revision 18675 adds a single-use concoction to use a-boo glue + a-boo clue -> glued a-boo clue.using A-Boo glue should remove 1 A-Boo clue from inventory
I fixed #2. Regarding #1:1) You can presumably set the Canadian Mind Control device to set your ML, but you cannot use a detuned radio to do so.
2) You cannot use a cursed microwave as part of "breakfast".
Revision 18676. Thanks.I've attached a patch to get the upgradable garland enchantment recognized by mafia. Tested over my last 2 G-lover runs.
Worked for me.In revision 18677, you will be offered the chance to use a glued A-Boo Clue, rather than an A-Boo-Clue.
I didn't notice this thread and created a separate thread for a G lover issue I found
My bad, sorry about that. In the future I will check for a path specific thread first
That issue is fairly minor. custom combat script tries to identify dungeons of doom potions and then errors out because they don't have a G in them. You can of course simply disable the identification of dungeon of doom potions (and then try to remember to reenable it after you are done with G lover).
Since making that thread I have also noticed a similar issue with "anti-anti-antidote". Namely, if you get poisoned (which is harmless during G lover because there is no G in poison) then it will pointlessly try to remove the poison, which will cause it to error out since antidote doesn't have a G in it.
I think there might be an issue with pointlessly removing beaten up (which I think does nothing during this path? I need to check). I will do some testing to see if it is the mafia's built in "remove malignant effects" or if it is universal restore that is doing that, as well as verify beaten up is really harmless.
r18702 - untestedif using a custom combat script set to automatically identify dungeon of doom potions, it will attempt to identify G-less potions during a G lover run, failing and resulting in the script aborting.
Pretty minor issue and easily circumvented. But just in case I am pointing it out.