New Content - Implemented Pokefam


The Pokémporium buy 5 bronze ROW994
9750 bronze 769239668 pokepills3.gif none t,d 0
# Item bronze: Give a Pokefamiliar Armor
The Pokémporium buy 5 ginseng ROW997
9753 ginseng 576658649 pokepills5.gif none t,d 0
# Item ginseng: Gives a Pokefamiliar Regeneration
The Pokémporium buy 5 metandienone ROW992
9748 metandienone 772060311 pokepills1.gif none t,d 0
# Item metandienone: Increase a Pokefamiliar's power by 1
The Pokémporium buy 5 piracetam ROW995
9751 piracetam 933118592 pokepills6.gif none t,d 0
# Item piracetam: Make a Pokefamiliar Smart
The Pokémporium buy 5 riboflavin ROW993
9749 riboflavin 870137319 pokepills2.gif none t,d 0
# Item riboflavin: Increase a Pokefamiliar's maximum HP by 1
The Pokémporium buy 5 ultracalcium ROW996
9752 ultracalcium 571179745 pokepills4.gif none t,d 0
# Item ultracalcium: Give a Pokefamiliar Thorns
The Pokémporium buy 50 Team Avarice cap ROW998
9754 Team Avarice cap 991243892 pokehat.gif hat q 0
Team Avarice cap 0 none
Item Team Avarice cap Item Drop: +100
The Pokémporium buy 50 Team Sloth cap ROW999
9755 Team Sloth cap 260821357 pokehat.gif hat q 0
Team Sloth cap 0 none
Item Team Sloth cap Combat Rate: -15
The Pokémporium buy 50 Team Wrath cap ROW1000
9756 Team Wrath cap 661356101 pokehat.gif hat q 0
Team Wrath cap 0 none
Item Team Wrath cap Monster Level: +30
The Pokémporium buy 50 Mu cap ROW1001
9757 Mu cap 830269864 pokehat.gif hat q 0
Mu cap 0 none
Item Mu cap Spooky Resistance: +4, Stench Resistance: +4, Hot Resistance: +4, Cold Resistance: +4, Sleaze Resistance: +4
But blimey is combat changed! It's basically a whole new thing, and thus we don't even recognise end of combat, and so loads of counters don't work.

This one won't be quick to support (even once we can again upload to Sourceforge)

All guilds are closed.

The current pokefam team is shown in side pane but not in API.

ML didn't have an effect on stat gain, but now does I think (after I stopped playing). Scaling monsters don't scale. Various bosses (Boss Bat, Goblin King, Bonerdagon and Groar so far) are replaced with (different, but identical in appearance) Jerry Bradford's.

Some council text changes:
<p>"Thank you for slaying the Goblin King, Adventurer."<p>"Actually it was that kid again. Jeremy Something-or-other. He's a real jerk."<p>"Spiky hair, popped collar? He's always coming here asking for quests so he can get 'EXPs' for his 'pok?fams'. None of us have any idea what that means."<p>"Well," you begin, "'Pok?fams' is short for 'pocket familiars', and--"<p>"Not actually interested," the Councilman says. "Thanks for taking care of that goblin whatever, we'll let you know if we need anything else."<p>
<p>"Aha!  So the Spookiness was coming from this abominable creature, was it?"<p>"Well, I assume so," you say. "Jerry had already killed it by the time I got there."<p>"Jerry's that kid's name?" the Councilman asks.<p>"Yeah. He's rude as hell."<p>"Is that good or bad? I can't keep up with the lingo you kids use these days."<br><br>
Not started looking at it (and not sure when I will), but fight.php redirects to fambattle.php.

An example combat debug log is attached in case any Dev is bored.

View attachment DEBUG_20180216.txt

I guess the most important thing is logging what we do, so identifying monster, triggering any code for defeating them which might update quests etc on success, noting what the enemy team is, capturing actions that the two teams do, and then identifying any post combat messages that still exist that impact our various counters.
We probably want to track our teams, and make that information available to scripts.
We may want to have and make available the pokefam stats to scripters.
We may want to list the pokefams used by each monster. (Levels can be trickier, as they interact with ML in a way I haven't looked at)
If there is any progression with number of runs, we'll want to support that.
I'm sure there is lots of other stuff.

Personally, I'm enjoying this so far, though consumables and experience appear to be major issues, without any class skills or avatar skills.
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Am going to start having a look at parsing familiar Terrarium in Pokefam.

Edit - Added in r18464.

Not going to make any other changes tomorrow. Next is adding (already parsed) team into KolCharacter, and either pokefam info from spading adding into familiar.txt or pokefam.txt, haven't decided yet. That should give all that is needed to construct all familiar skills without having to read them each time.
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Using 18478 today, mafia tried to make both a blackbird and a McClusky file (complete), but both apparently failed without me noticing...
Seconding Lord_Korbel's report. Auto-create failed to make a blackbird and a McClusky file (complete) in r18485. This worked in earlier Pokefam runs. Based on the gCLI message it tried to run auto-create before the combat ended.
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I have a submit ready to go which will strip out the his team/your team part of the fight page and pass the rest to regular fight processing. It now logs "You win the fight" when you do so, which should allow post-fight auto-crafting to happen, as appropriate.

Sourceforge needs to come back up before I can submit it.

[149] The Dark Heart of the Woods
Encounter: P imp
Round 1: Veracity's  Spooky Pirate Skeleton uses Tackle!
Round 2: Veracity's  Space Jellyfish uses ULTIMATE: Spiky Burst!
Round 3: Veracity's  Baby Mutant Rattlesnake uses Howl!
Round 4: Veracity's  Space Jellyfish uses Backstab!
Round 5: Veracity's  Baby Mutant Rattlesnake uses Howl!
Round 6: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: You reflect on KoL Con XII, when you managed to successfully coordinate a dinner for a group of like forty people.
After Battle: You gain 3 Magicalness
You gain 75 Meat
You acquire an item: Imp Ale
After Battle: You gain 5 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 8 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 26 Sarcasm
Day 1, so I'm only up to Level 8 in HC (I'm slow).
All the autocraft things - reassembled blackbird, Talisman o' Namsilat, McClusky File (complete) - happen at L11.

However, other post combat things which were not working - like evilness in the Cyrpt - SHOULD be detected correctly. I have not ventured into the Cyrpt yet on day 1 - even though I am Level 8 - since I've been doing Other Things. I'll try this out after rollover.

Too bad Sourceforge is down. This seems to happen a lot and last for way too many days.
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My company would lose 10s of millions a day in profits if their servers went down for a day - as well as suffering severe brand damage.
Sourceforge's brand is probably already irreparably harmed - and considering they host us for free, they are clearly not "for profit".
What IS their business model?
My company would lose 10s of millions a day in profits if their servers went down for a day - as well as suffering severe brand damage.
Sourceforge's brand is probably already irreparably harmed - and considering they host us for free, they are clearly not "for profit".
What IS their business model?
They were bundling bloatware in with open source application installers for a while but honestly I'm not sure it seems like github cannibalized most of their user base years ago so there's probably a lot fewer people left around using the service to complain.
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However, other post combat things which were not working - like evilness in the Cyrpt - SHOULD be detected correctly. I have not ventured into the Cyrpt yet on day 1 - even though I am Level 8 - since I've been doing Other Things. I'll try this out after rollover.

My crypt seems to be updating correctly now - Thanks!
Edit: and I confirmed the reassembled blackbird is auto-created.

There is still an issue with the Snojo.
_snojoFreeFights = -2
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So now that I'm not out of ronin (but at 1000 turns), Mafia gets stuck "Retrieving character data..." in an infinite loop.

I logged out and logging in gets stuck on the same.
Updated/new Pokefam info courtesy of Veracity's latest additions to Kolmafia:

Encounter: the X-32-F Combat Training Snowman
Untamed Turtle	2/2	2/3	2/4	Bite	Splash	Healing Rain	Armor

Encounter: whitesnake
Piano Cat	x/x	1/4	2/4	Claw	Encourage	Unknown	None

Encounter: white lion
Mutant Fire Ant	2/2	2/3	2/4	Bite	Howl	Violent Shred	None
Here's a few from early on in the run:

Encounter: the ghost of Monsieur Baguelle
Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot	1/3	1/4	2/4	Claw	Backstab	Nuclear Bomb	Smart
Encounter: the X-32-F Combat Training Snowman
Untamed Turtle	2/2	2/3	2/4	Bite	Splash	Healing Rain	Armor
Encounter: Eldritch Tentacle
Bulky Buddy Box	x/x	x/x	2/4	Bonk	Tackle	Universal Backrub	Smart
Encounter: Witchess Knight
Space Jellyfish	1/3	1/4	2/4	Sting	Backstab	Spiky Burst	Spiked
Encounter: Fallen Archfiend
Flaming Face	x/x	x/x	2/4	Bite	Breathe Fire	Deluxe Impale	None
Encounter: Knob Goblin Barbecue Team
Wendtigo 2/2 2/3 2/4 Claw Hug Violent Shred None
Encounter: demonic icebox
Reconstituted Crow 2/2 3/2 3/3 Peck Lick Violent Shred None
Encounter: skullery maid
Gazelleton 2/2 3/2 3/3 Bite Howl Violent Shred None
Encounter: paper towelgeist
Reassembled Blackbird 2/2 3/2 3/3 Peck Frighten Violent Shred None
Encounter: banshee librarian
Reanimated Reanimator 1/3 1/4 2/4 Punch Hug Deluxe Impale None
Encounter: panicking Knott Yeti
Hand Turkey x/x     x/x 2/4 Peck Lick Violent Shred None
Encounter: shifty pirate
Hanukkimbo Dreidl x/x x/x 2/4 Bonk Hug Universal Backrub None

Additionally, whenever I Piracetam a familiar it tends to log it as being Smart. I didn't include those.