New Content - Implemented January 2017 IOTM - Space jellyfish


The IOTM hatchling is this:

9296 space planula 642860470 planula.gif grow t 0
Item space planula Free Pull

which grows into the Space Jellyfish familiar.

The familiar equipment (from familiar jacks) is:

9302 space jellybicycle 269909743 bicycle.gif familiar t,d 75
Item space jellybicycle Familiar Weight: +5

The IOTM page promises lots of drops, so I'm sure more spading is to come.
*** familiar #209 (Space Jellyfish): KoL says 'itemdrops' but we do not have 'item0'
*** familiar #209 (Space Jellyfish): KoL says 'other' but we have none of 'none', 'other0', 'other1',or 'passive'
*** familiar #209 (Space Jellyfish): KoL says 'stats' but we have none of 'stat0', 'stat1', 'stat2', or 'stat3'
*** familiar #209 (Space Jellyfish): KoL says 'underwater' but we do not have 'underwater'
Jan 2017 IotM - Space Jellyfish

The familiar equipment for the new familiar, space jellybicycle, isn't recognized as such by the Gear Changer. It is equipable via the relay browser.
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Revision 17635 adds _seaJellyHarvested setting. I also merged the 2 Jan 2017 IOTM New Content threads.
Revision 17635 adds _seaJellyHarvested setting. I also merged the 2 Jan 2017 IOTM New Content threads.

Should we add that information as a parenthetical note next to the jellyfish in the charpane as we do for other familiar drops? The only reason I can see to not do this is that there aren't a limited number, just a reducing chance of success. (I don't know if the chance goes to zero.) Since the chance is reduced with each jelly, it would be nice to provide the info to users.

Perhaps... (2 jelly sucked)
You can only get 1 sea jelly per day, right? The diminishing chance is for using the Extract Jelly skill in combat, I think.
They are two different things, but a counter of jellies harvested would make sense I guess. Alternately, it could be countdown like the goth kid fights, but that only works if they are actually regularly spaced, which doesn't seem to be the case. (Speaking of which, the stomping boots could actually use such a countdown, since those are regularly spaced).
Also, the sea jelly could be added to breakfast, since there is no opportunity cost to it or anything, and it would save people making daily deeds. (Dunno what category it would fit under, it's not a once per day item use, though that one still is the closest, sort of).

Edit: I have already added the following to my login script, I might as well share it. I don't know if this is the only or the best way to do it, but it works nicely. (This doesn't actually change back to your previous familiar which might be a good idea addition):
if ( have_familiar($familiar[Space Jellyfish]) && !get_property("_seaJellyHarvested").to_boolean() )
		use_familiar($familiar[Space Jellyfish]);
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Sorry. I misquoted. I actually meant to refer to the _spaceJellyfishDrops property. That's the information that wanted to suggest putting in the charpane.
Ah. We already track that. Yes - that should be the "familiar annotation" for the Space Jellyfish.