Never fear, digitrev's here! To save you from having to track which monsters you've already fought, that is.
To install this lovely little script:
To run it, just type crimbo2015 n, where n is the number of adventures you'd like to spend.
If you haven't run the script, but want to set these settings, run ashq import <crimbo2015.ash>. This will set the defaults for those settings.
You can tell it to do zone preparation (equip fledges, etc...) to increase the number of zones available by running zlib c2015_zoneprep = true. You can also it to adventure underwater by running zlib c2015_underwater = true.
This is some pretty lazy font. It tries to find the zone with the largest fraction of unfought monsters for that faction, and adventure there once. It'll then move on to the next zone. It will also try its best to keep your faction totals even, but I make no promises about that.
To install this lovely little script:
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/digitrev/code/crimbo2015
To run it, just type crimbo2015 n, where n is the number of adventures you'd like to spend.
If you haven't run the script, but want to set these settings, run ashq import <crimbo2015.ash>. This will set the defaults for those settings.
You can tell it to do zone preparation (equip fledges, etc...) to increase the number of zones available by running zlib c2015_zoneprep = true. You can also it to adventure underwater by running zlib c2015_underwater = true.
This is some pretty lazy font. It tries to find the zone with the largest fraction of unfought monsters for that faction, and adventure there once. It'll then move on to the next zone. It will also try its best to keep your faction totals even, but I make no promises about that.
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