Upcoming Downtime for Kolmafia.us


Staff member
There will be upcoming downtime fairly soon as I move from our current VPS host at Linode to DigitalOcean.

Keep an eye on my Twitter for further updates.
If needed, I will be happy to donate to the kolmafia.us fund. Let me know any way I can help. Best of luck.

(Also, what (did) you do? Need a job? Want to move to Seattle?)
I was a "Community Manager" for a video game fansite company for the last 6 years. The job title really doesn't cover everything I used to do.
Automatic builds are on hold until I have setup the build script on my local file server as the new VPS doesn't have a lot of memory to handle builds.
Daily builds are now building hourly again but SVN log on the build page will be incorrect for the meantime.
That was faster than I feared and the forum is running perfectly. I hope you get that last problem ironed out well, but honestly it is the least important thing so I am jumping up and down with excitement about how smoothly it went.
Auto builds should be made every time there's a new revision. Hopefully. We will see!
@fewyn Defniitely second the idea of a donate page for hosting costs. I would at least do a one time donation for how much use I have gotten out of KolMafia.
I'm in the process of rewriting the entire builds page and maybe incorporating an RSS feed into it. Stay tuned.