New Content - Implemented Workshed Support


When I click on the Astral Gash I get a checklist of stuff to do. It does not include checking my Workshed.

The Workshed is relevant for ascension, so it should be checked for the same reasons as Garden and Eudora. It would be nice if, like Garden, it had a drop-down of all the workshop items in my inventory.
Workshed items can only be used once a day!

Only one workshop item can be used in a single day. It would be nice if there was a _workshopRemodeled preference that tracks this.

Workshop Items:
  • warbear auto-anvil
  • warbear chemistry lab
  • warbear high-efficiency still
  • warbear induction oven
  • warbear jackhammer drill press
  • warbear LP-ROM burner
  • snow machine

default value for _workshopRemodeled is false. Set it to true if any of the above items are used. If it is true, mafia should not attempt to use those items.

I'm looking forward to this feature so I can properly do this. Thanks in advance!
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There's some current support for the workshed, but there's still some work that could potentially be done. Here are my thoughts:

  • Using a workshed item does not update get_campground() if it's installed
  • Related to the above, after installing a new item visiting the workshed correctly adds the current workshed item to get_campground(), but it does not remove the previous one
  • Daily Preferences:
    • If a workshed item was installed today
    • The warbear induction oven 100% copies the first item that is cooked.
    • The warbear auto-anvil allows for 5 free crafts.
    • If the snow machine kicked in today (someone might want to hold off harvesting until it's installed for example)
  • It would be nice to have a relay interface to switch workshed items. This could be a relay override.
  • AT song recording support. This could probably just have a script solution.
  • Astral gash checklist

Any additional thoughts? All the other workshed items are a % chance so I don't think we need any additional support for them since mafia already detects the items are acquired.
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I'm merging all three of these threads together since the previous two threads are just small parts of Rinn's greater vision.

Small note: I really, really need the preference to know if my workshop was remodeled today. I've got a relay script that kinda needs that.
r13589 adds _workshedItemUsed and updates get_campground()

It would be nice to have a relay interface to switch workshed items. This could be a relay override.

I already wrote that relay override. My campground override will do this if you look at the workshed. (There's a nice drop-down of all your workshop items.)
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Only one workshop item can be used in a single day. It would be nice if there was a _workshopRemodeled preference that tracks this.

Workshop Items:
  • warbear auto-anvil
  • warbear chemistry lab
  • warbear high-efficiency still
  • warbear induction oven
  • warbear jackhammer drill press
  • warbear LP-ROM burner
  • snow machine

Also the new "spinning wheel"

I already wrote that relay override. My campground override will do this if you look at the workshed. (There's a nice drop-down of all your workshop items.)

ahahaha, that was part of campground? I thought that was native. I should have known it was too useful to be native :p I thoroughly enjoy that dropdown.
ahahaha, that was part of campground? I thought that was native. I should have known it was too useful to be native :p I thoroughly enjoy that dropdown.

Thanks to the wonders of svn updates I just slipped in the improved functionality without you needing to notice. It's kinda spooky actually.
I put together this patch (attached) to add a workshed reminder. However, it's split across 3 lines instead of on 1 line, even though it's the same HTML as the garden reminder, and I can't figure out why. It looks bad enough that I don't want to commit it like that.


When I move the workshed reminder above the garden reminder, it's the garden reminder that no longer displays properly. So apparently the issue is some interaction between the forms, and I don't have any idea what could cause that.
When I move the workshed reminder above the garden reminder, it's the garden reminder that no longer displays properly. So apparently the issue is some interaction between the forms, and I don't have any idea what could cause that.

Yeah, it's very odd. Been playing for a while, and can't see anything very obvious. I can fix it easily with tables, which do what you tell them, but as the browser world wants us to use hacky css solutions, I'm trying to find one.
I think people should use more tables and frames. Makes it a lot easier to read without being an expert :)

On the one hand, yes, god I agree.
On the other hand, having to re-write a huge website to make it use css instead which took weeks, just because Firefox is popular and dropped support for various table tags, put me off trying to use declining html tags, even when they do the job MUCH better.
r13664 - Trick was including style information in the form tag to display it as inline rather than block. Why wasn't the first one shown in block? In all browsers I tried? HTML/CSS is silly.
The dropdown is nifty, but its taking up a lot of horizontal space. This means the ascension page no longer fits on my 1280x1024 display without having to scroll.
Here's a screenshot to show what I mean:

Adding a line break between the drop down and the "(currently ...)" text would be a quick fix for my display at least.
I'm glad I at least removed "warbear " from the beginning of those item names. I feel like whatever change is applied to that item should be applied to gardens too, and to any future reminders like that.
A quick question.

Considering that I don't harvest my garden everyday, could kolmafia install the snow garden just before harvesting my garden?

That way, on harvest day, I could get the extra snow harvest from the machine and then swap it back to warbear still.

My recommendation would be if you want something like that that you don't let breakfast harvest and you script it. You can only change workshed item once per day though, so you'd have to install snow machine after using still on day one, harvest, then on day two harvest first, then swap in still. You can work out which day you are on, probably, from which machine is installed and whether the workshed item has been changed, for which there is a setting. You'd also have to accept that on a day you ascend you'd not have the power to change it, as your script would already have done so.
You probably want something like this in your script.

if(get_campground() contains $item[frost flower]) {
	visit_url("inv_use.php?pwd&ajax=1&which=3&whichitem="to_int($item[snow machine]));
	cli_execute("garden pick");

get_campground() will actually tell you what is in your garden at the moment so that you don't have to count days. If you want to check on your workshed having been changed today, that is in get_property("_workshedItemUsed")
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LoL! I plucked that code from an override script which uses the workshop item and then inserts the use text into the display of the workshop in the relay browser. Didn't even think about it. You're right of course, for most purpose it would be better to use the item through mafia.

if(get_campground() contains $item[frost flower]) {
	use(1, $item[snow machine]);
	cli_execute("garden pick");