New Content - Implemented Halloween Revamp!


There are a bunch of new monsters as well as noncombats. At least 1 new choice adventure. Just... Wow!

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<Center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Trick or Treat!</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><div id=background style='position:relative;'><img src=/images/otherimages/trickortreat/tt_background.gif width=550 height=550><div id=house0 style='position: absolute; left: 75; top: 75;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=0><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_d9.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house1 style='position: absolute; left: 175; top: 75;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=1><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l9.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house2 style='position: absolute; left: 275; top: 75;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=2><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l11.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house3 style='position: absolute; left: 375; top: 75;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=3><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l5.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house4 style='position: absolute; left: 75; top: 175;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=4><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_d1.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house5 style='position: absolute; left: 375; top: 175;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=5><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_d3.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house6 style='position: absolute; left: 75; top: 275;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=6><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_d10.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house7 style='position: absolute; left: 375; top: 275;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=7><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_d10.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house8 style='position: absolute; left: 75; top: 375;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=8><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l2.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house9 style='position: absolute; left: 175; top: 375;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=9><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l17.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house10 style='position: absolute; left: 275; top: 375;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=10><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l14.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div><div id=house11 style='position: absolute; left: 375; top: 375;'><a href=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4&option=3&whichhouse=11><img  src='/images/otherimages/trickortreat/house_l18.gif' width=100 height=100 alt="A House" title="A House" border=0></a></div></div><br>Click on a house to go Trick-or-Treating!<p><form onsubmit='return confirm("Are you sure?  There is still Trick-or-Treating left to do on this block!");' action=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4 method=post><input class=button type=submit value="Scope out a new block (5 Adventures)"><input type=hidden name=option value=1></form><form action=choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd=84effc12533758ae64f995dc64813af4 method=post><input class=button type=submit value="Stop Trick-or-Treating"><input type=hidden name=option value=2></form></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></body><script src="/hotkeys.js"></script><script src="/onfocus.1.js"></script></html>
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PS. This script works nicely.

If you tell it to do 0 turns, it will spend all your turns.

string visit_house(int i) {
	print("Visiting House: " + i, "green");
	return visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=804&option=3&whichhouse=" + i);

string get_monster(string page) {
	matcher mob = create_matcher("<span id='monname'>([^<]+)</span>", page);
	return "";

void trick_block() {
	int i = 0;
	string page = visit_url("town.php?action=trickortreat");
	// Find first house on the block (in case script started at an odd place)
	while(!page.contains_text("&whichhouse=" + i+">") && i < 12)
		i += 1;
	while(i <= 11) {
		page = visit_house(i);
		if(page.contains_text("You're fighting")) {
			string mob = get_monster(page);
			#if(mob.contains_text("All-Hallow's Steve"))
			#	abort("Encountered the boss!");
			print("You are fighting: "+ mob, "blue");
			cli_execute("mood execute");
		} else if(page.contains_text("whichchoice value=806")) {
			// Big bowl of candy!
		i += 1;

// Will prompt for number of turns to spend. If 0, will spend all turns.
void main(int Turns_To_Spend) {
	int turns = 0;
	if(turns_to_spend == 0)
		turns_to_spend = my_adventures();
	cli_execute("mood execute");
	while(my_adventures() > 5 && turns + 5 <= turns_to_spend) {
		if(!visit_url("town.php?action=trickortreat").contains_text("&whichhouse=")) {
			print("Finding a new block", "green");
			turns += 5;
		print("You've spent "+ turns +" out of the "+turns_to_spend+" turns you allowed.", "blue");
	visit_url("main.php"); // Let KoLmafia know the choice adventure is over
	print("Trick or Treating complete.", "green");
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Ideally, mafia's implementation won't visit town.php?action=trickortreat when it isn't needed (after the "noncombats"), so it will be nontrivial to support.
Unknown item found: bag of W&Ws (6835, 787691763)
6835      bag of W&Ws 787691763 wandws.gif usable t,d 15
bag of W&Ws Effect:      "Just the Brown Ones", Effect Duration: 15
1399      Just the Brown Ones wandws.gif bc3810e0ee6da266d6ce1cc4f9aaf512 use 1 bag      of W&Ws
Just the Brown Ones Moxie: +15
You      acquire an item: bag of W&Ws

Unknown item found: Way More Tears™ pepper spray (6832, 135109366)
6832      Way More Tears™ pepper spray 135109366 bodyspray.gif none, combat t,d 35
#      Way More Tears™ pepper spray

Unknown item found: Swizzler (6837, 653273118)
6837      Swizzler 653273118 swizzler.gif usable t,d 15
Swizzler Effect: "Sugar      Rush", Effect Duration: 5
You acquire an      item: Swizzler

Unknown item found: PEEZ dispenser (6836, 168804605)
6836      PEEZ dispenser 168804605 peez.gif usable t,d 15
PEEZ dispenser Effect:      "Sugar Rush", Effect Duration: 5
You      acquire an item: PEEZ dispenser

Unknown item found: box of Dweebs (6834, 449530455)
6834      box of Dweebs 449530455 dweebs.gif usable t,d 15
box of Dweebs Effect:      "Dweeby", Effect Duration: 15
1398      Dweeby dweebs.gif 6df499796f5af6ddca95e30d6b93ab9e use 1 box of Dweebs
Dweeby      Mysticality: +15
You acquire an item: box of      Dweebs

Unknown item found: Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin (6831, 631586523)
6831      Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin 631586523 mallowpumpkin.gif usable t,d 25
Tallowcreme      Halloween Pumpkin Effect: "Halloweeny", Effect Duration: 10
1400      Halloweeny mallowpumpkin.gif 62616f85083fa087b95261b086be933a use 1      Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin
Halloweeny Spooky Damage: +25
You      acquire an item: Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin

Unknown item found: huge bowl of candy (6851, 614007421)
6851      huge bowl of candy 614007421 candybowl.gif usable t 0
# huge bowl of      candy
You acquire an item: huge bowl of candy

The huge bowl of candy is usable and gave me 23 random candies when used.

Unknown item found: carton of rotten eggs (6853, 407091480)
6853      carton of rotten eggs 407091480 eggcarton.gif none, combat t,d 10
#      carton of rotten eggs

Unknown item found: security flashlight (6848, 327985938)
6848      security flashlight 327985938 flashlight.gif offhand t,d 40
security      flashlight 0 Mys: 10
security flashlight Monster Level: -10

Unknown      item found: unused walkie-talkie (6845, 515507078)
6845      unused walkie-talkie 515507078 walkietalkie.gif usable t 0
# unused      walkie-talkie
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It would be nice if when viewing the neighborhood you were allowed to change outfits without seeing the error message "You are currently in a choice."
It would be nice if when viewing the neighborhood you were allowed to change outfits without seeing the error message "You are currently in a choice."

Don't worry, once that's fixed in mafia, KoL will respond by sending you back to the main map when you click the next square in the neighborhood.
I made some changes to the script in post #2. If you already started using it, you'll want to copy/paste it again.

If you use my script, I recommend adding "All-Hallow's Steve" as an abort in your CCS to keep the boss from killing you.
Bale: I think you may need to move the mood and restoration calls up above the visit_url-call in the trick_block-function. At least mine kept crashing complaining that it was in a choice unless I did that.
Added items, effects, monsters for Trick or Treating in r12962. Can walk away from non-combat

I think work will be required to make choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd&option=3&whichhouse=X realise it is an adventure location. Hopefully after that my code to recognise monsters will work. Probably also code to recognise fights/combats are free turns and that choice.php?whichchoice=804&pwd&option=1 costs 5 adventures. Much more work for built in adventuring support. Probably won't have a chance to look at this again today, personally.
I've done as much halloweening as I'm prepared to do in one day so I logged out and back in again with 12962 which gave the following:
Looking at item #6826...
Unknown item found: All-Hallow's Steve's      fright wig (6826, 870153445)
6826 All-Hallow's      Steve's fright wig 870153445 frightwig.gif hat 0
All-Hallow's Steve's      fright wig 100 Mox: 35
All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig Sleaze Damage:      +20, Spooky Resistance: +2, Candy Drop: +20
Looking      at item #6838...
Unknown item found: Bugbearclaw Donut (6838, 723480931)
6838      Bugbearclaw Donut 723480931 bugbearclaw.gif usable t,d 25
Bugbearclaw      Donut Effect: "Bugbear in Tooth and Claw", Effect Duration: 20
1408      Bugbear in Tooth and Claw 3claws.gif 241b5c741a73a9223688f6f7d3314681 use      1 Bugbearclaw Donut
Bugbear in Tooth and Claw Weapon Damage: +40, Spell      Damage: +40
Looking at item #6841...
Unknown      item found: 8-bit banana (6841, 603852187)
6841      8-bit banana 603852187 8bitbanana.gif usable t,d 25
8-bit banana      Effect: "Banono", Effect Duration: 20
1403      Banono 8bitbanana.gif bd78fb53fcfb951ca6b50ade15ec22df use 1 8-bit banana
Banono      Stench Damage: +40, Stench Spell Damage: +40
Looking      at item #6840...
Unknown item found: Whenchamacallit bar (6840,      812046783)
6840 Whenchamacallit bar 812046783      whenbar.gif usable t,d 25
Whenchamacallit bar Effect: "Spooky Blur",      Effect Duration: 20
1402      Spooky Blur fast.gif 3596c59d5715ff20d8c6302da289fb8c use 1      Whenchamacallit bar
Spooky Blur Spooky Damage: +30, Spooky Spell      Damage: +30, Initiative: +20
Looking at item      #6842...
Unknown item found: vial of blood simple syrup (6842,      976862806)
6842 vial of blood simple syrup      976862806 bloodvial.gif usable t,d 25
vial of blood simple syrup      Effect: "Blood-Gorged", Effect Duration: 20
1404      Blood-Gorged blooddrops.gif 4e98848d9e180e379abf7740ca2060f0 use 1 vial of      blood simple syrup
Blood-Gorged Sleaze Damage: +40, Sleaze Spell      Damage: +40
Looking at item #6843...
Unknown      item found: bone bons (6843, 405110026)
6843      bone bons 405110026 bonebon.gif usable t,d 25
bone bons Effect: "Bone      Chilling", Effect Duration: 20
1405      Bone Chilling bonebon.gif 5cea618bfa7300dbf77225e5413fc03e use 1 bone bons
Bone      Chilling Cold Damage: +40, Cold Spell Damage: +40
Looking      at item #6850...
Unknown item found: sturdy cane (6850, 183101962)
6850      sturdy cane 183101962 cane.gif offhand t,d 40
sturdy cane 50 Mus: 10
sturdy      cane PvP Fights: +4, Fumble: 2, Initiative: -25
Am guessing the wig is from All-Hallow's Steve, the rare boss I've not yet seen, the rest are wearing outfits other than sturdy cane which is the third drop from the too old kid ?
Yes on the first account and most probably on the third one. The rest are all drops from the Dreadsylvania outfits.
I needed to steal 7 bowls of candy before he showed up in case that has anything to do with anything.
Dread outfit candies and effects:

6838 Bugbearclaw Donut 723480931 bugbearclaw.gif usable t,d 25
Bugbearclaw Donut Effect: "Bugbear in Tooth and Claw", Effect Duration: 20
6839 little red jam 347947486 redjamjar.gif usable t,d 25
little red jam Effect: "Hood Ridin'", Effect Duration: 20
6840 Whenchamacallit bar 812046783 whenbar.gif usable t,d 25
Whenchamacallit bar Effect: "Spooky Blur", Effect Duration: 20
6841 8-bit banana 603852187 8bitbanana.gif usable t,d 25
8-bit banana Effect: "Banono", Effect Duration: 20
6842 vial of blood simple syrup 976862806 bloodvial.gif usable t,d 25
vial of blood simple syrup Effect: "Blood-Gorged", Effect Duration: 20
6843 bone bons 405110026 bonebon.gif usable t,d 25
bone bons Effect: "Bone Chilling", Effect Duration: 20
6844 ironic mint 800270383 ironmint.gif usable t,d 25
ironic mint Effect: "Deeply Ironic", Effect Duration: 20

1400 Halloweeny mallowpumpkin.gif 62616f85083fa087b95261b086be933a use 1 Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin
Halloweeny Spooky Damage: +25
1401 Hood Ridin' redjamjar.gif 897524cce84cd40788c9a31b07cf2a33 use 1 little red jam
Hood Ridin' Hot Damage: +40, Hot Spell Damage: +40
1402 Spooky Blur fast.gif 3596c59d5715ff20d8c6302da289fb8c use 1 Whenchamacallit bar
Spooky Blur Spooky Damage: +30, Spooky Spell Damage: +30, Initiative: +20
1403 Banono 8bitbanana.gif bd78fb53fcfb951ca6b50ade15ec22df use 1 8-bit banana
Banono Stench Damage: +40, Stench Spell Damage: +40
1404 Blood-Gorged blooddrops.gif 4e98848d9e180e379abf7740ca2060f0 use 1 vial of blood simple syrup
Blood-Gorged Sleaze Damage: +40, Sleaze Spell Damage: +40
1405 Bone Chilling bonebon.gif 5cea618bfa7300dbf77225e5413fc03e use 1 bone bons
Bone Chilling Cold Damage: +40, Cold Spell Damage: +40
1406 Deeply Ironic ironmint.gif e1e512a758d8f48ce7ba804cedacf755 use 1 ironic mint
Deeply Ironic Damage Reduction: 5, HP Regen Min: 5, HP Regen Max: 8
1408 Bugbear in Tooth and Claw 3claws.gif 241b5c741a73a9223688f6f7d3314681 use 1 Bugbearclaw Donut
Bugbear in Tooth and Claw Weapon Damage: +40, Spell Damage: +40
The rare candy from bowls:
6852 Ultra Mega Sour Ball 637571586 plasticball.gif usable t 0
# Ultra Mega Sour Ball

It apparently does the same as Spice Melange, but has another counter. Not sure if it has it's own counter yet, but clearly it should have (probably the same one).

All Hallows Steve looks like Scaling +30, with damage reduction.
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Jick just confirmed over on the KoL G-D board that Trick-or-Treating will run all week (until real-world Halloween) "long enough for everybody to get sick of it!" Just in case anyone follows these boards but not those.

So there should be plenty of time to test out all new Halloween-related code.