Bug - Fixed Requests wait until they are complete before updating UI


Staff member
I have several examples:

1) When you click on the close box of the last frame, KoLmafia logs you out and displays the Login frame. The Login frame has a status bar to show status messages. Used to be, It would show the Login window immediately and we would see status messages appear: logging out... and Logout request submitted. New behavior:
a completely blank Login window appears. Then, several seconds later, it paints the window and the final message - "Logout request submitted." - is on the status line.

2) Show the CLI. Show the Item Manager. Select some items in the Item Manager and click a button: autosell, stash, mallsell, whatever.
- the GUI stays green
- mouse clicks on the Item Manger and elsewhere do nothing
- no feedback occurs in the status line or the gCLI
- Wait several seconds.
Eventually, the action is completes and the CLI updates:

Transferring items to store...
Items offered up for sale.

Used to be, the first line would appear in the status when the request was about to be submitted and the second would appear some time later when it completed. Now, KoLmafia waits until the request is all done before displaying anything.

3) In the item manager, select three items to pulverize. For example, giant needle + wolf mask + rave whistle. KoL (and hence KoLmafia) requires these to be pulverized one at a time. Hit the pulverize button.
- The GUI stays green
- The GUI is unresponsive
- No status messages are displayed.
- Eventually:

Pulverizing giant needle (4)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (8)
You acquire twinkly wad (2)
giant needle (4) smashed.
Pulverizing rave whistle...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (3)
rave whistle smashed.
Pulverizing wolf mask (2)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (4)
You acquire an item: twinkly wad
wolf mask (2) smashed.

... is printed all at once in the gCLI and the GUI is responsive again.


Staff member
OS X 10.6.8

java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03-384-10M3425)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02-384, mixed mode)

KoLmafia revision 9946


Active member
I see the same thing. I only noticed it while queueing food and drink though (only things I tried).

Windows XP Professional, r9946
java version "1.6.0_29"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.4-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
I'm getting this issue in the most recent revisions, and it's been getting worse the last day or two. Used to just stall on me when eating/drinking, now I can't even see myself typing when in chat and running turns or doing anything else with mafia. I upgraded to java7 recently, not sure if that has relevance (and mentioned it at the java 7 compatibility thread already).