Moods, auto recovery, and automation


Is there a way to prevent mafia from aborting automation if it fails to cast a skill set in a mood? In ronin I typically want to just set a mood and let the buffs cast whenever as I regain mp from adventuring. This is especially an issue for me in way of the surprising fist since mp is much harder to restore except through stasis. I'm using universal_recovery with the never abort automation option but the issue is the same with mafia's default settings.\

Is there something I'm overlooking or is this a feature request?


Active member
Could put the check to see if you have enough mana to cast the spell into the mood so it doesn't 'fail', just skips casting if the mana isn't there?


Yeah, you can put some intricate things in your mood. If you lose polka of plenty you could run a command like this...

ashq skill s = $skill[polka of plenty]; int cost = mp_cost(s); restore_mp(cost); if(my_mp() >= cost) cast(1, s);