SVN RSS feed maintenance


It will be going down either tomorrow or wednesday, while I move it and it's database to a new server, the new server will have a new ip, but the dns A record for should propogate within 24 hours of the change. the actual change over should only take a few minutes assuming nothing goes wrong, and rss bot should just catch up as soon as the dns propogates. sorry for the disruption to the service! While its down, I may make a couple of changes (adding link to the current revision of files, not just the diffs, so that additions can be viewed)

I've also just seen holas latest commit ( ), I don't see the dev forum, so is this just for devs using git locally, or is there a planned move for the whole project to git rendering my changes unnecesary!


ok, converted all to php (including the db updater, if only i'd known php has a "svn_log" command, that made things easier!) crontab updates the db every 01,16,31,46.

The rss feed is now here

Don't worry too much the old one will still work for a few weeks while I convert some other scripts from .net to php.

New features:
Each rss item has its link property set to the sf page for that revision (don't know if rss bot handles that or not)
Author name links to their sf profile
Additions and Modifications have a view link to show the markup on sf, for people who are interest in seeing the code but don't have the source.
Better handling of title shortening (will not break in the middle of a word)

Lost features:
Colors on the file actions, I think they only worked on here because rss bot posts html, I'm not sure technically they worked in an rss feeder anyway, if people want them back, ask and it will be done.
Direct link to that revision's daily build, since I update more regularily than the build process, half the time it wouldn't work, (also rss bot sig has a link anyway)

everyone take a look, if everyone is satisfied i'll ding fewyn and let him know its moved, anyone wants anything new then just ask!
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Looks nice as a web page.

Of course I am half tempted to commit something just to see what you do when the user ID at SF is not the same as a user ID...

Go Ahead! author = sf username, profile = sf username! trying to catch me out?! :p

Theres no link between id and sf ids: hola commits as swei (I think!) although I could have another table in the db map them to a id, or ign for people whos ign is nothing like their kolmafia id! (like me!)


Hmm, I'd have expected rss bot to reload the last 10 items, although if its starting from scratch it may just wait for a new commit, we'll see! thanks fewyn

fwiw its all php now, if you'd prefer to run all this from your vps, I don't mind handing it over, i'm also thinking can't be the only place in the world that needs a svn to rss script!


awesome, I reckon thats job done then!

Do you know, just out of interest whether rss bot determines new posts from a checksum or from a timestamp? i'm fairly sure its checksum, since it redownloads 10 everytime I change anything, and I set the timestamp of the feed item to the timestamp of the commit.

If it had a setting to work based on timestamp, it would mean I could make changes and updates to the layout/style without it redownloading 10 items each time.

Or, since it seems to work, I could just leave it alone!


heads up, I modified the feed generation code, to fix some double encoding that was going on. svn bot will now go mad and redownload some of the last 10 feeds because some will have changed and some won't because they didn't contain anything that needed encoding. heres hoping I've fixed it not broken it any more!


Heads up: I made a small edit to the feed generation to replace line breaks with spaces in titles since vbullitin doesn't allow line breaks in thread titles and it was compressing the last word before and first word after a line break into one word. only a minor change but will mean rssbot re-downloads any in the last ten posts which contained line breaks

if someone fancies nuking the dupes i'd be ever so grateful!
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