Bug - Fixed Educated (Kinda) has a misplaced uneffect link...

It's really tiny, it doesn't even affect gameplay, but it's still a thing.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably caused by the parentheses.


Staff member
For reference, here is the HTML for a normal charpane:

<tr><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/mortarboard.gif" class=hand onClick='eff("93e8854157c14c46a1b27daa27f1350e");'></td><td valign=center><font size=2>Educated (Kinda) (2)</font><br></td></tr>

And here is the HTML for a compact charpane:

<tr><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/mortarboard.gif" class=hand alt="Educated (Kinda)" title="Educated (Kinda)" onClick='eff("93e8854157c14c46a1b27daa27f1350e");'></td><td>(2)</td></tr>

I think CharpaneDecorator.addUpArrowLinks() could stand to be refactored; when I noticed I had the "Educated (Kinda)" effect recently from my hookah, I played around with this, but did not come up with a solution which worked for both kinds of charpanes. I considered refactoring the method to make it easier, but gave up, since I really don't have time to code KoLmafia right now.


Staff member
The good news is that a Timer can be used to test this (throw in lots of parentheses in a random pattern of opening and closing, or in any specific pattern), so going out of your way to get an effect where the problem shows up isn't necessary.

The bad news is that it's still a lot of refactoring needed.


Staff member
11351 should fix this. I tested with timers instead of Educated (Kinda).

I didn't do any refactoring along the way.


Well... good. But now I'll have to fix ChIT to work with that. I was satisfied (Kinda) to not have to make such effects work with ChIT since they didn't work with mafia.