bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


New member
right now the script goes after the GMOB. Is there any way to get it to use a clover + agua da vida (and get it if you have a sandworm) instead to save a few adventures?


Active member
Not at the moment, it proved a lot more difficult to get it to do that scripting-wise in a safe way so it's been postponed. It'll probably get there sometime...
I posted a feature request, maybe someone could get it into 0.45? (pretty please)

FaxBot isn't responding at the moment for me so the script keeps looping because it's not getting what it wants. I'd like a counter added so if you don't get what you want for 3 tries, it skips faxing for now and moves on. Maybe make it an option to either ignore the problem and continue on or break and stop and let the user try to do something.


Active member
Poo. Poo and farts. I really wanted to spin 0.45 before the thing became an abort.

Undecided as to how to handle this. Possibly just force don't level in temple to be true in 0.45 and then get 0.46 out as quickly as possible?


Active member
That sounds reasonable. It'll surely mean less automation, but makes for not crashing at the temple instead I guess.
Allthough this also breaks the Level 11-quest progress I believe. I should get there tomorrow and be able to test it then.


Active member
Releasing version 0.45 because I might not get time to do something for a few days and I'd hate for that warning to become an abort. Unless we've fixed it already. In which case, I released 0.45 because I forgot we'd fixed it in 0.44.


Active member
We have two problems in:

a) Where the heck do we level before the powerlevelling zone is open?
b) How do we open the temple in the level 11 quest now?

I feel the second one will actually be easier.


Active member
My question is: Can you still level in the temple, only you need to take care to set the choice adventures to what your mainstat and steer the choice adventures towards that one? I'm not sure how doable that is though...


My suggestion is to put together a list of locations that are nice and "profitable" for whatever definition makes sense, and level in the highest ML one that's safe. This will probably result in a good chunk of Treasury leveling, but it can be nice to have the extra meat in an automated run, anyway.

The Hidden City unlock isn't horrid, but is a bit complicated to explain without having the wiki open on both sides. ;)


Active member
Basically, when you get the such great heights adventure, choice 2. This gives us nostril of the serpent, which lets us control which door we want in the heart of the temple adventure. If we reach that adventure (such great heights) again, do choice 3 for the +3 adventures (once a day). Mafia should probably track whether or not we've gotten that yet, since it is a once-a-day thing.

After we get nostril of the serpent, we just need the heart of the temple adventure... choice 2, choice 4, choice 1. Then we're back to the standard unlock and we're good.

If we get stone wool, we get to pick which choice adventure we'd like to do next. With 2 stone wool, you can basically skip the entire HT zone by getting the nostril first, then the heart. But in a HC script, you don't want to depend on the wool.


Bug with .45 in AoB:
BCC: Getting Azazel's lollipop
You can't equip a Victor, the Insult Comic Hellhound Puppet

Being lazy, I fixed by commenting out:
if (my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist") tryThis($item[Victor, the Insult Comic Hellhound Puppet], "insult");
if (my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist") tryThis($item[hilarious comedy prop], "prop");
but what it actually needs is a check for AoB also.

...and another:
Visiting Azazel's Temple in Pandamonium
You acquire an item: steel lasagna
You need 1 more steel margarita to continue.
there is already a check for AoB in steelLimit, but not steelName. I inserted this:
string steelName() {
		if (!can_drink() && !can_eat()) { return "steel-scented air freshener"; }
		if (!can_drink() [color=red]|| my_path() == "Avatar of Boris"[/color]) { return "steel lasagna"; }
		return "steel margarita";
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New member
Basically, when you get the such great heights adventure, choice 2. This gives us nostril of the serpent, which lets us control which door we want in the heart of the temple adventure. If we reach that adventure (such great heights) again, do choice 3 for the +3 adventures (once a day). Mafia should probably track whether or not we've gotten that yet, since it is a once-a-day thing.

Unless you have quite a lot of -combat or stone wool to spare, it looks like it will take you more than the three bonus turns to get the noncombat again...


Active member
If you aren't using stone wool, you don't get to pick which NC you're getting. If it happens to be such great heights again, +3 adventures is better than a relatively meh mysticality choice. Though mysticality is better than wasting the turn.


Note: I may or may not accidentally interchange the word temple with pyrimid. I always mean temple in this post.

It was my understanding that the +3 adventures, +3 turns of each buff was once per ascension only. Given the power the +buff application applies that would be something people would want to use manually or for either the oasis or orchard quest.

Choosing either vines or top of the pyramid after you have already gotten their benefit does not use a turn. It skips the non-combat ect. Same for the basement of the pyramid and the middle choice after you have gotten the hidden power buff once for that day.

The quickest way to do it now is the new hidden temple semi rare with 100% item find = 2 stone wool = Do top -> Vines -> get serpent gem = Do heart -> set door to pikachu -> proceed as normal through test.

So as far as quest completion, if BC can pick up a semi rare somehow, it can complete that part of the quest easy. The semi rare monster can also be faxed so that is an option as well.

The stat gains for the temple are
Myst: Top, walk around.
Musc: Heart of the temple ->Set and open the Stone/Circle door. That door is set by default until you change them
Moxie: Back out of the Heart of the temple. Get poisoned in the process.

If you are power leveling there before the quest, boost non-combat and +items. Sheep you fight will drop wool. Use first wool (or Temple top non-combat) to acquire the serpent gem. Save one wool in order to complete the quest at level 11. Use any additional wool to force your main stat. Use the skipable options in the bottom and top part of the temple if you are a mox or mus class. If you are a myst class, there is no way to skip the middle non-combat so the alternative is boost off stats (prioritize moxie for equip requirements...) or MP gain from the gargoyle door. Once you get to level 11, use remaining wool for quest. If they have power level in temple set to off, either start getting semi rares for them or just fight in area until you get the non-combats/2 wool.

Or in other words, your first temple goal should always be the serpent gem. Then save 1 stone wool. Then power leveling. No mater what point you start doing the temple.

I'm confused about which parts of this new zone you were already familiar with, so please forgive me if I went over redundent information or missed the problem.
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New member
For some reason even though I set my custom combat to use heroic belch on ancient protector spirits, BCC uses run_combat and starts attacking them physically. This is on 0.45.

Edit: Nevermind, this may be caused by my stupidly as the attack action in mafia changed to attack when I do not remember changing it.
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Active member
Yeah, I was working based on bad/initial information that the SGH3 choice was a once-a-day instead of once-an-ascension. However, apparently SGH2/3 adventures don't decrement if you gain nothing, so my new plan is to leave it on 2 when done, since 1 is only good if you're mysticality class or obsessing on MP.

I built out the traverse_temple() function for the Rinn scripts today, but I need to test it before I put it onto the Dropbox for other people to look at. Once I've validated it works, I can post it here too for people to try to convert... does BCA have anything to handle running choice adventures? The traverse function uses run_choice() fairly heavily. :)