Bug - Fixed Missing choiceadventure defaults


Active member
Noted in grotfang's latest confirm that defaults.txt had been updated... checked it and the highest defaulted choiceadventure is 458. That means the following adventures, according to the KoLwiki, don't have defaults.

It's possible we have handling for more, but those are the ones that the Wiki knows we're missing... That explains why my character that defaults to the (displayed) Show in Browser gets unsupported choice adventure messages...
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We're actually missing a lot of defaults. Is this something that should be remedied (defaults set to 0) or is it intentional? In hobopolis today it was pointed out that 226 and 227 are missing (something I hadn't noticed since I've had them set locally for a LONG time now) and that this lead to an unsupported message when setting 225 (the tent) to automatically enter as a music player (and I imagine a mosher/coin collector).

I have edited my working copy of defaults.txt to handle those, but would like a brief input as to whether the other choice adventures that are missing should be entered. A full list can be found here


Active member
If they aren't supported, you get the results of a show in browser, but with an error message as opposed to being gracefully handled...


Active member
With defaults missing, you get a stop error, while it says show in browser (if you look at the choice tab). This leads people to think that they've set it to that already...


Staff member
Most of the ones you listed above (like the Arcade choices) do not show up in the choice tab.

If we list a choice in ChoiceManager.CHOICE_ADVS, is shows up in the choice tab - and we need to have a default for it, even if it is to "show in browser".

If we do NOT list a choice in CHOICE_ADVS, the user cannot configure it through the GUI. Those might be ones that you simply cannot automate through (like the Arcade games) or ones which we configure in other ways (like the Giant Castle Chore Wheel) or ones which there is only one rational option (like the Palindome quest items) which we auto configure to the raional thing.

We don't HAVE to have choice adventure defaults for choice adventures which are not in adventure.php locations, since you cannot see them through automation.

If you CAN automate and find a choice adventure, and there is no "rational" default, we need to add a "manual control" default. For example, I notice that the Krakrox agua de vida choices are not configurable and have no defaults. Those probably all need "0".

In any case, please do not thoughtlessly add defaults to all choices. Use thought. Decide if the choice NEEDS a default, and if so, what it should be - which might be manual control!


That's fine. I've been in London for the weekend so haven't done anything more yet, but I'll work through them. I'll err on the side of caution and post a list of ones I think can be changed in this thread for review by anyone who wishes to do so before making the commit. That shall probably be on Tuesday since I am also busy tomorrow evening.