Clan ascension listing


Active member
Can't remember, but I could have sworn there was a clan ascension listing that showed speed and what type of ascension and all sorts of other good stats somewhere... Does anyone know offhand if this is this a relay script I installed and am now incapable of finding, a part of the main game, part of Kolmafia, or an external site? Thanks... my brain just isn't managing to pull where I saw this, didn't see anything in forum search that triggered lightbulbs, and Google is, as it so often is, useless. :)


Not sure if this is what you are after, but mafia can produce a clan snapshot, part of which is ascension tables. Go to the clan manager, then take a snapshot :)


Active member
Yeah, that was it. :) Just couldn't remember that it kept it in a folder (Clan\<clan#>\<date>\Ascensions) instead of opening it or doing something that made it visible... Oh, looks like there's a bug trying to display Pre-NS13 records... guess it's time to report.