Bug - Not A Bug Unable to use "csend * Angry Farmer Candy"


Everytime i try to enter "csend * angry farmer candy to x" into the cli i get an invalid send request. Works fine with every other item i've tried.



> csend * angry farmer candy to halfvoid;

Invalid send request.

Sending that from a multi which has 18 pieces of angry farmer candy in their inventory.
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You're not sending meat, have you tried send or kmail instead of csend?

It worked for me, you should have 20 angry farmer candy more than you did before:

> help csend

csend item [, item]... to recipient [ || message ] - send kmail

> inv angry farmer candy

Angry Farmer candy (10)

> csend * angry farmer candy to halfvoid || This is Spiny Twizzler. I'm using a clan multi to test your issue with.

Sending kmail to halfvoid ...
Message sent to halfvoid

> inv angry farmer candy

> closet take 10 angry farmer candy

Removing items from closet...
Requests complete.

> csend * angry farmer candy to halfvoid

Sending kmail to halfvoid...
Message sent to halfvoid

> inv angry farmer candy

Do you have angry farmer candy or some portion thereof aliased to something else that is causing it to bork for you?
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I messed around a bit longer trying to send them. These are my bizarre CLI results.

> buy 1 angry farmer candy

[angry ash mall_price($item[pile of dusty animal bones])] has no matches.

> buy 1 angry

angry farmer candy
angry farmer's wife candy
hockey stick of furious angry rage
tiny plastic angry bugbear
tiny plastic angry goat

[angry] has too many matches.

> buy 1 angry farmer candy

[angry ash mall_price($item[pile of dusty animal bones])] has no matches.
Searching for angry...
Requests complete.

Purchasing Angry Farmer candy (1 @ 274)...
You acquire an item: Angry Farmer candy
Requests complete.

Purchases complete.

> send angry farmer candy to halfvoid

Invalid send request.

> kmail * angry farmer candy to halfvoid

Invalid send request.

> inv angry farmer candy

Unable to invoke cli_execute("call