Feature 2 preferences for dwarvish factory status track dwarvish punchcard when slotted


1) A saved preference to track whether or not this outfit item quest has been completed or not, as KoL doesn't tell you in the quest logs and you can get 7/8 quest items, again, after autoselling them post-quest. [bool] dwarfFactoryUsed or [int] lastDwarfFactoryUse

2) A saved preference to track whether or not the punchcard is presently inserted into the machine (and thus the quest is incomplete). It would make my quest tracking script a lot quicker since i could skip all that messy outfit swapping. Something like [bool] dwarfPunchcardInserted or [int] lastDwarfPunchcardInsertion

3) The dwarvish punchcard doesn't remove from inventory when put in the slot of the machine.
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