Bug special actions (pickpocket, noodles) aren't being macrofied, so don't happen at all


They're being quite macroed for me.

I suspect that the problem is that forgot my password forgot to have a line in the CCS saying "special action". Is that it?
KoLmafia 14.1 is not doing any pickpocketing for me. I am currently a Turtle Tamer, so all my pickpocketing would be in bird form. I still get the "Steal" button, and it works. I can click in the KoL page to pickpocket. But if I click the "Script" button or just automate through the Main Interface, it skips the pickpocketing even though I get the jump.
This worked fine in version 14.0 (and many previous versions) with the same Custom Combat Script (called "Vicious") I now use:
[ default ]
try to steal an item
special action
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon

[ empty suit of armor ]
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon

I did not change this script since the last time it worked properly.
The only change I'm aware of is going from KoLmafia v14.0 to v14.1.
It worked in version 14.0.
It behaves the same way in several different locations.
The GCLI shows exactly what happens; it goes directly from me getting initiative to me slashing with talons. No pickpocket.


Try this:
[ default ]
special action
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon

This will put the pickpocket command in the macro directly. If Mafia doesn't recognize the Birdform pickpocket, maybe KoL does? Well, until Jason takes a look at this.

EDIT: it would also help if you type set macroDebug = true in the gCLI, and then post a combat where the pickpocketing doesn't happen.
I'm a Seal Clubber now, and it's doing the same thing. Whether I use the Main Interface, hitting the "begin" button or use the "Script" button in the relay browser, it (v14.1) will not attempt a pickpocket.

> set macroDebug = true

macroDebug => true

Also changed line 1 of my "vicious" CCS to "pickpocket" instead of try to steal an item.

Done. Now I'll have to remember to post the results.
Aha! It apparently works with "pickpocket" instead of try to steal an item.

As suggested, I had changed the first line of my vicious.ccs:
[ default ]
special action
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon

[ empty suit of armor ]
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon
It actually did pickpocket, as shown down there in adventure [800]

Then I changed (first line of) CCS back to what it had been (that used to work):
[ default ]
try to steal an item
special action
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon

[ empty suit of armor ]
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
skill vicious talon slash
attack with weapon
And as shown in adventure [801] below, it did not try to pickpocket.

The two adventures:
[800] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Furry Giant
Round 0: storelladeville wins initiative!
Generated macro:
sub mafiaround
sub mafiamp
****abort "No MP restoratives!"
****mark mafiampexit
while mpbelow 5
****call mafiamp
if hasskill 7038
****call mafiaround; skill 7038
while mpbelow 5
****call mafiamp
if hasskill 7038
****call mafiaround; skill 7038
mark mafiafinal
call mafiaround; attack
goto mafiafinal

Round 1: storelladeville executes a macro!
Round 1: storelladeville tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: furry fur
You lose 28 hit points
Round 2: storelladeville casts VICIOUS TALON SLASH!
You lose 25 hit points
Round 3: storelladeville casts VICIOUS TALON SLASH!
You gain 223 Meat
You acquire an item: disturbing fanfic
You acquire an item: plump juicy grub
You gain 28 Muscleboundness
You gain 3 Mysteriousness
You gain 17 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Tingly Elbows (duration: 5 Adventures)
You gain 50 hit points
You gain 50 Muscularity Points

[801] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Possibility Giant
Round 0: storelladeville wins initiative!
Generated macro:
sub mafiaround
sub mafiamp
****abort "No MP restoratives!"
****mark mafiampexit
while mpbelow 5
****call mafiamp
if hasskill 7038
****call mafiaround; skill 7038
while mpbelow 5
****call mafiamp
if hasskill 7038
****call mafiaround; skill 7038
mark mafiafinal
call mafiaround; attack
goto mafiafinal

Round 1: storelladeville executes a macro!
Round 1: storelladeville casts VICIOUS TALON SLASH!
You lose 21 hit points
Round 2: storelladeville casts VICIOUS TALON SLASH!
You gain 250 Meat
You acquire an item: plot hole
You acquire an item: probability potion
You gain 28 Fortitude
You gain 11 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 9 Smarm

I do spot one difference in the CLI output. The word pickpocket is missing in [801]. There might be other differences.

So it looks like I'll change line 1 back to
instead of
try to steal an item

It's a mystery to me. I'm glad -- and grateful -- that "pickpocket" makes it work, though.
Does this help at all?


"pickpocket" is interpreted as a KoL Macro command, and Mafia simply copies it in the Macro that is submitted to KoL without even knowing what it is. It allows you to override the fact that Mafia won't pickpocket for you (if you are not safe maybe?), but you should be careful when you use it.


I'm having problems using this with a global prefix. My setup is to have Automatic Olfaction set in special actions on the Adventure tab; then to have a CCS with:
[ default ]
skill entangling noodles
attack with weapon

[ global prefix ]
try to steal an item
special action

I also set my goals by "conditions add 6 goat cheese" on the gCLI. However, I never did end up sniffing a dairy goat. Is there something I did wrong?


Apparently, only one special action is included in the macro for the combat.

Action: attack with weapon
Special actions: pickpocket, autoOlfact, autoPutty

autoOlfact: monster bookbat
autoPutty: monster bookbat

[5722] Haunted Library
Encounter: bookbat
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: slyz wins initiative!
Generated macro:
sub mafiaround
sub mafiamp
****if hascombatitem 465
********call mafiaround; use 465
********goto mafiampexit
****if hascombatitem 1965
********call mafiaround; use 1965
********goto mafiampexit
****if hascombatitem 1788
********call mafiaround; use 1788
********goto mafiampexit
****if hascombatitem 345
********call mafiaround; use 345
********goto mafiampexit
****if hascombatitem 357
********call mafiaround; use 357
********goto mafiampexit
****call mafiaround; use 344
****mark mafiampexit
while mpbelow 40
****call mafiamp
if hasskill 19
****call mafiaround; skill 19
mark mafiafinal
call mafiaround; attack
goto mafiafinal

Round 1: slyz executes a macro!
You acquire an effect: On the Trail (duration: 40 Adventures)
Round 2: slyz attacks!
Round 3: bookbat takes 990 damage.
After Battle: Dusty leans against a cactus, produces a bottle of tequila, and drinks it. A few minutes later, he belches some murky fluid back into the bottle and hands it to you.
You acquire an item: agua de vida
You gain 5 Muscleboundness
You gain 8 Enchantedness
You gain 13 Roguishness

On the first bookbat, Olfaction was cast. On the second one, the Putty was used. In the rest of the combats, the monsters were pickpocketed.

Apparently, the macrofy() function in FightRequest.java explicitely includes only one special action in the Macro. Is there a specific reason for this?


At most one round is spent implementing a "special action" command, on the grounds that you may be taking significant damage during that time.

Olfaction has priority over putty as a special action, on the grounds that if you've sniffed a monster, you certainly intend to encounter it again in the near future.