Bug - Fixed Filter kmail item list to show only tradeables


When sending a kmail via the GUI, the list of includes includes those that can't be traded. These can even be selected and will show up in the list of attached items, though it will apparently omit them when actually sending the kmail (so the remaining items are sent successfully).

Just omitting the tradeable items from the list would both make it easier to find the right item and would make it clear what will actually be sent.


Actually, it had this feature already (and was in fact too restrictive, it wouldn't have allowed gift items to be sent). The actual bug is that the text filter field in the attachment dialog was completely overriding the tradeable filter, rather than augmenting it. Fixed in r8475.


This still doesn't seem to be quite working. When I initially hit the + button to get the item list, it contains various quest items. It's only when I type something in filter field (even if I then erase it) that it removes these.