Bug - Fixed mafia's inconsistently tracking damage i've done to monster in cli output


This was a manual fight in the relay browser (not macro'd) and I just noticed that the tracking of my damage output is incomplete in the cli. Maybe just a fluke?

[1291] Haunted Bedroom
Encounter: animated nightstand
Round 0: Tango Clubdancer wins initiative!
Round 1: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 2: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 3: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 36 damage.
Round 3: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 4: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
After Battle: Xpbaby smiles approvingly.
You gain 11 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 27 Wizardliness
You gain 15 Smarm

Round numbers are based on what is shown in the relay browser.

Round 1: I got the jump.

Round 2: You fire a "beam" from your "laser," doing 33 (+5) "damage." KERBLAM! BARF! BARF! KAPOW! BAM! BOOF!

Round 3: You hit it for 31 (+5) damage. WHAM! ZAP! BARF! SMACK! BIFF! KAPOW!

Round 4: You fire a "beam" from your "laser," doing 47 (+5) "damage." POW! BOINK! SPLAT! BIFF! WHAM! SMACK! WHAM!

Round 5: You fire a "beam" from your "laser," doing 43 (+5) "damage." BOOF! BOOF! SOCKO! WHACK! BIFF! BIFF! SPLAT!

Next fight:
[1292] Haunted Bedroom
Encounter: animated nightstand
Round 0: Tango Clubdancer wins initiative!
Round 1: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 2: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 42 damage.
Round 2: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 3: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 43 damage.
Round 3: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 4: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 41 damage.
Round 4: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 5: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 41 damage.
Round 5: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
You acquire an item: old leather wallet
After Battle: Xpbaby smiles approvingly.
You gain 13 Fortitude
You gain 20 Magicalness
You gain 23 Sarcasm

All is well in this one except the final round's damage was not recorded:
Round 6: You fire a "beam" from your "laser," doing 44 (+5) "damage." BAM! BAM! ZOT! BONK! SMACK! SPLAT! BOOF!

I won't keep on with this, but thought it important to mention in case it causes problems when analyzing runs or spading or whatever.

Edit: Interestingly enough, even when using a macro the same situation occurred:
[1319] Haunted Bedroom
Encounter: animated nightstand
Round 0: Tango Clubdancer loses initiative!
Round 1: Tango Clubdancer executes a macro!
Round 1: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 2: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 38 damage.
Round 2: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 3: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 37 damage.
Round 3: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 4: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 48 damage.
Round 4: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 5: Tango Clubdancer attacks!
Round 6: animated nightstand (mahogany) takes 52 damage.
After Battle: Xpbaby smiles approvingly.
You gain 15 Beefiness
You gain 21 Magicalness
You gain 17 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!

Round 1: I lost the jump

Round 2: You fire a burst of energy from your magilaser blastercannon. And not the good burst of energy, like the kind you get from a cup of coffee -- the kind that does 33 (+5) damage. WHAM! ZOT! WHAMMO! WHACK! POW! ZAP!

Round 3: You fire a burst of energy from your magilaser blastercannon. And not the good burst of energy, like the kind you get from a cup of coffee -- the kind that does 32 (+5) damage. BONK! SPLAT! POW! KERBLAM! BOOF! ZAP!

Round 4: You hit it for 43 (+5) damage. WHAMMO! WHAMMO! POW! BOOF! BARF! WHACK! ZAP!

Round 5: You fire a "beam" from your "laser," doing 32 (+5) "damage." WHAM! KERBLAM! KAPOW! SMACK! BAM! WHACK!

Round 6: You fire a blast from your laser cannon, hitting for 47 (+5) damage. Man, you're way more precise than those imperial stormtroopers. ZOT! ZAP! POW! KAPOW! KERBLAM! WHACK! KAPOW!

So, in this instance Round 4's damage appeared before the attack was stated. Round 5's damage is not recorded at all.
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