Feature - Rejected Auto Lucre


Mafia collected lucre automatically when automating adv in mafia. Is there a way to do this/remind player in the relay? Many times I forget and don't notice the 20/20 (etc.) at the end of the battle only to cash it in the next day where a new bounty cannot be initiated


Throw a reminder in your quest notes such as "Reminder: Visit bounty hunter before logging out" I know I use my quest notes a lot, maybe if you see it there, you'll remember.


Staff member
Preferences -> Breakfast, the On Logout box at the top. You can set any script to run when you log out (or in, right above that).


Active member
I have a question about that since I tried to do this with a script I called "login.ash" (well as a login script that is) but it didn't want to run. If I called it from the menu it ran just fine though.

Is there a limitation to login-scripts such that they can't be called "login"? (I know that if I just type "login" and not "call /scripts/login.ash" it logs me out and then in again)


Staff member
You'd have to type out the name (i.e. "login.ash") or use "call" (or one of the related CLI commands) -- stuff innate to Mafia has priority over user-defined stuff.


I think you need to put CLI commands in the Breakfast login/logout settings, so you would need to put call login.ash in there for your script to be used on login.


Active member
Perhaps mafia could have a check on logout for if you have the relevant number of BHH items and then just hit bhh.php on logout?


The ash script bounty.ash visits the bounty hunter after collecting the items. Maybe a read of that script can help.


No. During automatic adventuring if you get your last bounty item, mafia will get the lucre. The script does nothing to enable that. This is not at all what is being asked for.


Staff member
The only thing that'd help would be the bounty.txt datafile, which has a list of all the bounty items and the quantity needed.

If one were to write a script with quantity required keyed to item, the code would be rather simple:
import <zlib.ash>
record temp{
    int qty;
    location loc;
    int safemoxie;
temp [item] bounty;
load_current_map("bounty", bounty);
foreach i in bounty {
    if(bounty[i].qty==item_amount(i)) visit_url("bhh.php");

At least, that would work. Untested, as are most of my code samples.