Feature - Rejected Mushroom Farming: Moon awareness


So I farmed Black mushrooms with a script that lasted 10 days. But on day 11 the script started again -- which would not produce black mushrooms at the end due to moon mis-alignment.

I would be nice if the mushroom plot script was aware of which moon it needed to start on. Of course, it would also be nice if the current plot could be assessed to fit with your candidate scripts. For example, if you manually made a plot for a few days (maybe in run -- where you used it for food), you could load compatible scripts that might match up with the 3rd day of the running script. Then after rollover the script would take over and run day 4. If auto-detection of compatibility isn't possible, being able to manually set the day you are on would be acceptable.

Also, it isn't clear how to reset your script to Day 1 if you are in the middle of the script. For example, in my original case where the moons didn't align correctly, I couldn't figure out how to stop the script and reset it once the moons did align (w/o going into the settings file and deleting entries).


Are you talking about an ASH script, or a script generated from the mafia GUI?
I don't think anyone has worked on the mushroom planting part of mafia for a long time, but if you search the forums you will find a few worthwhile ash scripts that are aware of the moons etc.
The breakfast 'plant mushroom' will use the script specified in the plantingScript preference. I don't think you can hope for a change in the mushroom planting GUI, but you can search the forum for a moon-aware ash planting script, or play with the plantingDate, plantingDay and plantingLength preference settings to make the script start on the day you want.

Searching the forum will give you info about those.
Okay, I'll look for an Ash, but a simple "Cancel Current Script" button would be nice so you could follow it with "Run Script" to restart your planting.