VIP Hopping! Quick clanhop to BAfH for all VIP room goodies!


If you want all the goodies that a VIP Key can access, but your clan is poor, this will give them to you.

Bonus Adventures from Hell prides themselves on having a well stocked VIP room, ballpit and all other clan goodies available on whitelist for anyone who wants them. AfH created the clan to help the community with that stuff. Unfortunately it can sometimes be annoying to have to go there, get the pool table buff and hop back to your own clan.

I made a script that will do all that automatically. Just call it from the command line:

[COLOR="#808000"]> bafh pool 2[/COLOR]

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
Approaching pool table with a strategic stance.
You acquire an effect: Mental A-cue-ity (duration: 10 Adventures)
You won the pool game!
Returning to home clan.

[COLOR="#808000"]> bafh ballpit[/COLOR]

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
Executing request...
Jumping into Awesome Ball Pit in clan rumpus room
You acquire an effect: Having a Ball! (duration: 20 Adventures)
Returning to home clan.
Requests complete.

[COLOR="#808000"]> bafh mirror[/COLOR]

Already visited the Looking Glass today.

[COLOR="#808000"]> bafh crimbo[/COLOR]

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
Visiting Crimbo Tree in clan VIP lounge
There's nothing under the Crimbo Tree with your name on it right now. Check back in 4 days.
Returning to home clan.

[COLOR="#808000"]> bafh shower cold[/COLOR]

You've already had a shower today!

Two additional commands:
  • rollover - Goes to BAfH and stays there. Presumably so that you can get rollover adventures.
  • return - Returns to the clan you were in when you used the "rollover" command.

If you don't have a whitelist to Bonus Adventures from Hell, then this script will send an in game message to bumcheekcity with whitelist bafh to be whitelisted when he logs in next.


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If you click on the Crimbo Tree before it's ready, it'll say, for example:
There's nothing under the Crimbo Tree with your name on it right now. Check back in 5 days.

Each time you successfully get a present, the timer is reset to 7 days.
Sure. I just added in a simple check to report on the days left. Download the new version.

I'm not positive if it will work if there is 1 day left and I won't know for 3 more days. It'll work if the message is "Check back in 1 day.", but it won't work if the message is "Check back tomorrow." If someone out there can inform me of the message for a pressie due in 1 day, I can update it accordingly.
Sorry for thread-jacking here, but there is a thing I've always wondered: Is it possible for the clan leader to hop between clans without repercussions or should the clan leadership be switched between two members first?
If you leave your clan, the leadership will automatically default to another member. You won't get it back unless that other member gives it to you. Sorry.

My tree just happened to be at 1 day, and it's "Check back tomorrow." I just put the full message on the wiki too.

Thank you. This script is now updated so that it should work if you are at one day. Please check it for me.
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Sorry for thread-jacking here, but there is a thing I've always wondered: Is it possible for the clan leader to hop between clans without repercussions or should the clan leadership be switched between two members first?

However, clan leadership will pass in a certain semi-controllable way. (Last I checked, anyway.) First, KoL looks at the highest rank in your clan, and sees who has that rank & has played the longest & isn't inactive; then it moves on to the next-highest rank with the same test, stopping when it finds an eligible player & passing leadership to them. So, all you need to do is make sure that only two people in the clan have whatever uber-rank means "leader," and the other will get leadership when you clan-hop as long as they are active. If necessary, make a clan-leading multi, and set the ranks accordingly.
If I have a VIP key, my clan has the items and I clan hop, do I somehow end up with "more" or are the KoL limitations per character and not per character, per clan?

The limits are per character.

If you want to clanhop as a clan leader, the solution is to make another character (an eventual mall multi, or use an existing mall multi) to switch leadership to. If you're just making the character, they only have to get to level 3 to join the clan, and that can be done with about 5k in consumables.
So, I have a feature request. As the current leader of my clan I have set up a deal with a friend who is also in the clan that we switch leadership between each other if the other needs to clanhop.

When i try to run this script I get the following error "Something went wrong! You did not hop into Bonus Adventures from Hell." and it aborts. The reason for this is that the leader of an alliance is not allowed to switch clans. Trying to do it manually in teh relay browser I get the following error message "You can't apply to a new clan when you're the leader of an existing clan.".

I thus propose that the script offers the ability to send off the leadership to a specific person and then do the clan hop. Or that someone tells me how such a code would look like so that I can include it myself :)
You want to use:
visit_url("clan_admin.php?action=changeleader&pwd&newleader="+ playerid + "&confirm=on&transfer=Transfer");

I don't have the time to work that into script right now though. I'm also not sure how to trigger that code. I guess if it gets the error, "You can't apply to a new clan when you're the leader of an existing clan" it could respond by switching leadership to the new leader and then retrying the clanhop. Maybe I'll add that tomorrow. Would it be okay if you edit the alternate leader's ID into the script as a constant, or do you want that part of the script's input?
I could probably add that myself now that I have the string. Using your vist_url-example from the join page I had almost arrived at the same point as you but I'm not used to working with php and its options so was nto exactly sure which values from the page source I needed to put where :)

Also: In my case I think that I'd like it to be a constant in the script, such as the clan_id in the original, since I feel that that makes errors less likely to occur.

Edit: I've added the following fucntion to the script

// Transfer clan leadership to the specified player id
int transfer_leadership() {
	int option_id = 697273;
	string page = visit_url("clan_admin.php?action=changeleader&pwd&newleader="+ option_id + "&confirm=on&transfer=Transfer");
	return 0;

and also added the following lines to the bafh-function (since I could nto come up with a better place to put it)
	boolean transfer = true;

	if(transfer == true)

I'll have to switch the true/false setting myself depending on if I am the leader or not I guess, but I can live with that for now :)
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You could test to see if it returned "You can't apply to a new clan when you're the leader of an existing clan" when you changed clan. It's one extra server hit if you're already the leader, but...
Bale, I don't know if the script does this, but it might be nice to automatically kmail me if they don't have a whitelist already, rather than making people do it manually. Then it can be fairly seamless for the end user.
It doesn't. What it does however is that if you can't join BAfH it states that what you should do in order to get whitelisted.
Bale, I don't know if the script does this, but it might be nice to automatically kmail me if they don't have a whitelist already, rather than making people do it manually. Then it can be fairly seamless for the end user.

That's not the kind of feature I would have felt comfortable adding without your permission, though it does print a message explaining how to get whitelisted.

Since you suggested it, I'll gladly add an automatic request for whitelisting in bafh. Feel free to recommend this script to anyone who feels it is too much trouble to clanhop to BAfH.
New Version!

New features:
  • If you are not a member of Bonus Adventures from Hell, when run it will submit an application to bumcheekcity so that he can automatically add you to the clan.
  • If you are clan leader it will automatically transfer leadership to another member designated in the script. You can designate two potential leaders, just in case your clan consists of you and yourself.
  • It is reorganized to make it better for importing in a breakfast script.

@bumcheekcity, added automatic PMing to you for membership. You can now consider this script a way of getting added to your clan.

@Winterbay, this will solve your leadership transfer problem. There is a variable at the top of the script to designate the replacement leader.

If someone wants to use this in a breakfast script, but want to be able to call it for all features without having to swap clans 6 times, you can do it like this:
import <bafh.ash>

int origin = origin_clan();
visit_vip("crimbotree get");
visit_vip("pool 3");
visit_vip("pool 3");
visit_vip("pool 3");
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If I define myself as person 1 and my clannie as person 2 and he does the same would that mean that it will switch between us depending on who is the leader at the time?