Mafia and in-combat ML


Well-known member
I've done some more script testing. The upshot: BatMan is delayed indefinitely until mafia tracks deleveling -- familiars and common deleveling items, at least. If I release it before that, it will keep getting people killed.

Is there anything further -- anything at all -- that I can do to help this happen sooner rather than later?


Not unless you have access to a cloning facility...

At the moment, I have to consider full support for combat macros to be a much higher priority, as it benefits EVERYONE - it's not even limited to the people who actually use mafia, due to the potential reduction in server load.


Just to give zarqon an idea of how to plan his own future efforts... Please tell him if you think it likely, after completing the combat macro support project (which I also consider highly important), you'll put your attention into the feature he's hoping for. Please, just let him know if it is likely to be near-ish the top of your agenda. Then he can let it go if the answer is no.


Well-known member
Jason -- to clarify, I wasn't intending that as pressure. I understand macros come first, since adding that support will benefit users and even KoL itself (drastic reduction in server hits ftw).

This is mainly my pet -- no one has attempted a comprehensive consult script since FightOptimizer, and that was still far from comprehensive. When I asked if I could speed things along, I was thinking along the lines of putting data in a more usable form for you to add it in. I know a bit of Java and might be able to save you quite a few keystrokes if you told me how to do it (a single example might even be enough).

EDIT: Developing the relay script is in full swing, though -- I'm surprised you haven't commented on it, Bale.
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EDIT: Developing the relay script is in full swing, though -- I'm surprised you haven't commented on it, Bale.
Been playing around with it a little. There's a lot to take in, but I haven't yet put it in a situation where it told me something surprising. I think it'd be much more interesting if I was a moxie or mysticality class so I haven't had anything particularly to add to the discussion yet.


Well-known member
It's just so... unlike you to not have anything to add. I took it to mean you hadn't even seen it.