What are you worth? networth.ash will tell you.

Okay, attached versions have a few tweaks and fixes.

Firstly, PsyMar's fix to the pricegun version (it was already in the regular version) brings them to parity in terms of semi-liquid meat.
Second, rather than being main(), there's now a networth(boolean) function. The main() function calls networth(false), which means don't check familiars. If you want it to check familiars, you can import the script and call networth(true) and you'll get that. Both scripts have this, and the spacing between parenthesis should be consistent with each script. :)


Posting the version of this that I occasionally use. I turned it into a relay script, and for foldable items it lists the cheapest version. It probably doesn't have whatever changes Theraze made, mostly posting this since this script came up in chat.


Mostly just making it so that you could actually import it and use the value in other scripts if you wanted to. And making it so you could decide if you wanted to know how much your owned familiars are worth. :) Looks like.
How do I install the relay script - I've put the .ash in my scripts folder but can't seem to invoke it and it isn't in my relay menu? Does this give me the itemised mallvalue of.. my items?


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Apparently the eldritch invasion is interfering with the script a little bit when reading meat from Hagnk.. I implemented a small fix so that it at least works if you don't have any meat stored.

It's the following line in the original version causing trouble so another option is to just comment it out, such as if you're using a different version (it's not important to the script).

storage_meat = excise(visit_url("storage.php?which=5"),"You have "," meat").to_int();

There was also another big problem with the other version I uploaded as CFStat will report a price of 0 on low-volume items, so in such cases it's now ignored, and mafias price is used.


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Tried looking at the script myself, but dailyprice.log doesn't show up anywhere. Is that a mafia function?

Not sure where you looked, but line 8 has this:
		string URL = "http://hogsofdestiny.com/kol/pricegun/dailyprice.log";

It's no longer maintained.

the networth_cfstat.ash script a few lines up works just fine though.
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