Request: Prismatic Wads breakfast?


Could the creation of prismatic wads be added to the breakfast list of options/the daily deeds list? It's something that I try to do every day, and having Mafia remember it for me would be wonderful.

Thanks. :)


Could the creation of prismatic wads be added to the breakfast list of options/the daily deeds list? It's something that I try to do every day, and having Mafia remember it for me would be wonderful.

Thanks. :)

I use a daily script to handle things like this, I usually run it manually but you can set it to run when you login if you need to. the section for my prismatic wads is:

	// Rainbow gravitation!
	print("Casting rainbow gravitation...","blue");
	if (can_interact() && (my_meat() > 1000000)) {
		if (item_amount($item[twinkly wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[twinkly wad]),$item[twinkly wad]);
		if (item_amount($item[hot wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[hot wad]),$item[hot wad]);
		if (item_amount($item[cold wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[cold wad]),$item[cold wad]);
		if (item_amount($item[stench wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[stench wad]),$item[stench wad]);
		if (item_amount($item[spooky wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[spooky wad]),$item[spooky wad]);
		if (item_amount($item[sleaze wad]) < 3) {
			buy(3-item_amount($item[sleaze wad]),$item[sleaze wad]);
	for i from 1 upto 3 {
		int beforetotal = item_amount($item[prismatic wad]);
		use_skill(1, $skill[Rainbow Gravitation]);
		if (item_amount($item[prismatic wad]) == beforetotal) {
			// casting rainbow grav failed probably missing a wad
			print("Casting skill Rainbow Gravitiation failed!","red");

function mpcheck(amount) is a basic function in the script to use something to restore mp if I don't have enough, making sure I use the neverending soda once a day, you'll have to come up with your own mp restore!