New Content - Implemented G Lover


Staff member
G-Mart	buy	1	good guava	ROW1022
9915	good guava	322642332	guava.gif	food	q	0
good guava	2	1	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item good guava
G-Mart	buy	1	gin and ginger	ROW1023
9916	gin and ginger	680497924	rocks.gif	drink	q	0
gin and ginger	2	1	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item gin and ginger
G-Mart	buy	1	gaseous gravy	ROW1024
9918	gaseous gravy	583612627	pressureglobe.gif	spleen, usable	q	0
gaseous gravy	1	1	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	gaseous gravy	Effect: "Gettin' the Goods", Effect Duration: 50
2407	Gettin' the Goods	og.gif	aefae2edd0e7b84fdcc09db52621e96b	chew 1 gaseous gravy
Effect	Gettin' the Goods	Item Drop: +100
G-Mart	buy	1	A-Boo glue	ROW1020
9912	A-Boo glue	386827164	lighterfluid.gif	usable	q	0
# Item A-Boo glue
G-Mart	buy	3	crude oil congealer	ROW1021
9914	crude oil congealer	255562674	moonshine.gif	usable		0
# Item crude oil congealer: Converts 12 bubblin' crude into a jar of oil
G-Mart	buy	11	gattoo	ROW1019
9911	gattoo	929105406	gtatitem.gif	usable		0
# Item gattoo

New items and Coinmaster, perhaps?
From using A-Boo glue with a-boo clue in inventory:
9913	glued A-Boo clue	812517315	map.gif	usable	q	0
# Item glued A-Boo clue

Also, I suspect - but haven't proven with math and spreadsheets - that Tao of the Terrapin counts in this path, as well as the Damage Absorption on your shirt/hat/pants, regardless of G status. Passives in general seem to ignore the limitation. Expert Corner-cutter, for instance, works. Needs spading.
Skills without a 'g' in them cannot be used. Can Mafia return false for skills using ash have_skill() that are not available (even if they are permed) while in G-Lover path?

Also, same for have_familiar().
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Skills without a 'g' in them cannot be used. Can Mafia return false for skills using ash have_skill() that are not available (even if they are permed) while in G-Lover path?

Also, same for have_familiar().

Given how many passive skills still work fine in the path, that change to have_skill() sounds like a bad idea.

Made the change to have_familiar() in 18639.
Given how many passive skills still work fine in the path, that change to have_skill() sounds like a bad idea.
Made the change to have_familiar() in 18639.

Oh yea, that passive skill thing. I'm on board with this approach. Thanks.
If you run through the Spooky forest, gather all the items, then try to use the Spooky Temple map, it sets hidden_temple_unlocked()==true, and sets lastTempleUnlock==my_ascensions( ), even though it does not work.

"You are too in love with G to use that item right now."
When using glued a-boo clues and running through the noncombat, kolmafia helpfully gives you a link to use an a-boo clue, which isn't really all that helpful ;)
Unknown item found: glued A-Boo clue (9913, 812517315)
9913 glued A-Boo clue 812517315 map.gif usable q 0
# Item glued A-Boo clue
It seems that good guava, gin and ginger, and gaseous gravy are missing data (fullness, inebriety, modifiers).
I remember them being there once... maybe something got overwritten?
I think there's an issue with the coinmaster, looks like The Pokemporium is appearing twice and G-Mart isn't appearing in the list at all. Acquiring items does seem to work though.

[COLOR=olive]> coinmaster to_coinmaster( "G-Mart" )[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]Invalid     coinmaster command.

[/COLOR][COLOR=olive]> acquire gin and ginger[/COLOR]

Verifying     ingredients for gin and ginger (1)...
Purchasing gin and ginger (1 @ 1     G)...
Visiting the G-Mart...
You acquire an item: gin and ginger
G-Mart     successfully looted!

2018-06-04 12_08_40-Coin Masters.png
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That was only an issue with the GUI, which is fixed now with 18656.

The error was because you actually wanted
> ash to_coinmaster( "G-Mart" )
1) You can presumably set the Canadian Mind Control device to set your ML, but you cannot use a detuned radio to do so.
2) You cannot use a cursed microwave as part of "breakfast".
From my session log when I started a G-lover ascension:

You acquire an item: letter from King Ralph XI

use 1 letter from King Ralph XI
You acquire an item: pork elf goodies sack
You acquire an item: disassembled clover
You acquire an item: note from Clancy
Did King Ralph REALLY give me a (unusable) disassembled clover, or did we fail to closet it, or what?

If the former, I'd call that a KoL bug.