

What does it do?

FantasyRealm will play through the FantasyRealm area, unlocking bosses and other things.

How do I use it?

Install it by running this command in KoLmafia's graphical CLI:

svn checkout

Once it's installed, type "FantasyRealm help" in the Graphical CLI, for a list of options:

auto: Collect one of everything.
mall: Collect a consumable, sell it in the mall.
gem: Go for gems.

dragon: Fight Sewage Treatment Dragon for Dragonscale breastplate.
ogre: Fight Ogre Chieftain for belt of Ogrekind.
ghoul: Fight Ghoul King for The Ghoul King's ghoulottes.

ley: Fight Ley Incursion for the Ley Incursion's waist.
wizard: Fight Archwizard for the Archwizard's briefs.
phoenix: Fight "Phoenix" for nozzle of the Phoenix.

spider: Fight Spider Queen for leggings of the Spider Queen.
vampire: Fight Duke Vampire for Duke Vampire's regal cloak.
thief: Fight Ted Schwartz, Master Thief for Master Thief's utility belt.

skeleton warrior: Fight Skeleton Lord for shield of the Skeleton Lord.
skeleton mage: Fight Skeleton Lord for ring of the Skeleton Lord.
skeleton thief: Fight Skeleton Lord for scepter of the Skeleton Lord.

So, "FantasyRealm auto" will collect everything for you, more or less. Probably. I haven't tested it.

To update the script itself (or any script), run this command in the graphical CLI:

svn update

FantasyRealm will require a recent daily build of mafia.

Contact me in-game: Ezandora (#1557284)
Nice. I almost got to the point where I was going to try this myself. Thank you.

First run worked.

"gem" is Rubee (TM) for those of use who are sometimes too precise with language.

When "auto" is selected is that one of everything that can be obtained by adventuring but not one of everything that can be obtained by adventuring or trading Rubees, correct? Is the Display Case checked when determining what to look for?

Thanks again.
Does it equip the required equipment and fight?


When "auto" is selected is that one of everything that can be obtained by adventuring but not one of everything that can be obtained by adventuring or trading Rubees, correct? Is the Display Case checked when determining what to look for?
It also auto-buys the equipment and maps with rubees, if you have them, but only when using the "auto" command.

The idea being, you can run the "auto" command on a new character and it will eventually gain all the equipment pieces. Though it has a user_confirm() before using any of the maps, because collectors.

It checks your closet, your display case, hangk's, your inventory, and what you have equipped.
This is great. I'm 0-3 trying to fight the bosses. One wrong click and it is "wait for tomorrow".
It worked, kinda. Everything went fine except in The Sprawling Cemetery. For some reason I just auto attacked the ghosts and got beaten up multiple times until I manually did that zone.
When going for gems it seems to like buying and using love songs of smoldering passion on the bats. That's OK but when I was doing them manually I could take one bat out in two or three rounds with just spells. This is an opportunity for optimization, not a complaint :-)
It worked, kinda. Everything went fine except in The Sprawling Cemetery. For some reason I just auto attacked the ghosts and got beaten up multiple times until I manually did that zone.

Updated the script to add in some muscle in that area. Maybe it'll help?

The only issue was it did not have enough MP to kill the ghoul but i did have WHAM in place so I may try without WHAM

The script overrides any combat scripts you have in place, because they aren't likely to handle FantasyRealm. Hmm. Was it using saucegeyser? I could make it restore more MP in that case.

When going for gems it seems to like buying and using love songs of smoldering passion on the bats. That's OK but when I was doing them manually I could take one bat out in two or three rounds with just spells. This is an opportunity for optimization, not a complaint :-)
The script requires saucestorm or saucegeyser to avoid using love songs. You don't ascend, so you don't have either permed.

Hmm... I've added untested support for cannelloni cannon and weapon of the pastalord, with flavour tuning. I imagine it'll break somewhere, because FantasyRealm combat is complicated. Cannelloni Cannon in particular is somewhat underpowered against certain monsters, so it's going to prefer wasting MP with weapon of the pastalord instead.
Updated the script to add in some muscle in that area. Maybe it'll help?

The script overrides any combat scripts you have in place, because they aren't likely to handle FantasyRealm. Hmm. Was it using saucegeyser? I could make it restore more MP in that case.

The script requires saucestorm or saucegeyser to avoid using love songs. You don't ascend, so you don't have either permed.

Hmm... I've added untested support for cannelloni cannon and weapon of the pastalord, with flavour tuning. I imagine it'll break somewhere, because FantasyRealm combat is complicated. Cannelloni Cannon in particular is somewhat underpowered against certain monsters, so it's going to prefer wasting MP with weapon of the pastalord instead.

Yes it was using Saucegeyser.
updated, still got beat up in cemetery, just used a paintbrush for prismatic and let it run again. (should i buy something/get a skill to make this zone easier that the script would use?)

also when finishing up the last zones combats to fight skeleton i got:
[55203] The Towering Mountains
Encounter: Out of Range
Requested choice (10) for choice #1282 is not currently available.

for some reason it didn't swap back to the outfit. I just equipped the outfit and fought manually.
So a few questions... if you go for rupees, does it go for village buff?
If you have free runs does it go for Barrow so you get more turns out of your buffs?
Does it use bag o tricks and PYEC to get more turns from the buffs?
and lastly does it avoid noncoms as much as possible, letting you basically hit up every map area before closing the instance?

I have been getting 350ish daily by doing village- teller > cemetery - borrow > borrow with navel ring or gap pants (dont rob mound yet) > use Bag o tricks & PYEC > bandits > wood > swamp > mountians - unlock cave > cave - chest > rob mound
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Starting to get into some things that would make the script more complicated...

If you have free runs does it go for Barrow so you get more turns out of your buffs?
Everyone has free runs, in the form of a peppermint parasol at least.

Does it use bag o tricks and PYEC to get more turns from the buffs?
Don't forget temps tempranillo and thyme jelly donut, which take organ space and (practically speaking) require not having any other buffs active.

Sounds like it becomes a mess real fast.
Peppermint parasol won't work on the barrow, since you can't use combat items. And since familiars are out as well, GAP or navel ring are the only options (and they do work).
Peppermint parasol won't work on the barrow, since you can't use combat items. And since familiars are out as well, GAP or navel ring are the only options (and they do work).

Oh, if I had remembered that I would have mentioned other fun stuff like Snokebomb. And I feel like I'm forgetting something else equally interesting, but maybe not.