New Server


Staff member
If you're seeing this you're viewing on the new server I moved the site to.
That's going to be a work in progress. I'm hoping to have SSL set back up soon.
Issues that might be related to the new server.

Price data file is corrupt and bad data prevents mafia from updating.
Various svn related commands fail.

I made a jar file locally and downloaded the one from and they are different sizes. I'm trying to make sense of that.
All 3 of these should now be fixed. Java 9 is the default for some reason now so I switched it back to 8 and I forgot to set the price data file to be writable. Let me know of any of other issues.
That's going to be a work in progress. I'm hoping to have SSL set back up soon.

Any progress on this? It's been almost a month, and https is still not even enabled (the server isn't listening on the port), as far as my browser can tell.
Any progress on this? It's been almost a month, and https is still not even enabled (the server isn't listening on the port), as far as my browser can tell.

I've been in the process of moving to a new apartment and haven't had a chance to hook up my desktop yet (mainly as I don't currently have a desk). I should be able to get to it this week or weekend though if everything goes to my plans.