New Content - Implemented Feb 2018 IotM - Fortune Teller (Clan VIP room)

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Since it's clan VIP room item I don't have the item ID etc for it but I do have the following:

Unknown item found: genie's pants (9721, 535272976)
9721 genie's pants 535272976 geniepants.gif pants 0
genie's pants 50 Mox: 10
Item genie's pants PvP Fights: +2, Maximum MP: +10
135 Genie Garments genietat.gif genie's pants
Outfit Genie Garments Critical Hit Percent: +5

Don't ask where I got them as I don't have them. They were in a DC of someone in /hardcore.
Sounds like there is a lot more to come.
Looking at item #9722...
Unknown item found: genie's bracers (9722, 689327790)
9722 genie's bracers 689327790 geniebracers.gif accessory 0
genie's bracers 50 Mys: 10
Item genie's bracers Mysticality: +5, Moxie: +5
135 Genie Garments genietat.gif genie's bracers
Outfit Genie Garments Critical Hit Percent: +5
The buff from the meatsmith is:
2368 Meet the Meat nopic.gif c9a5d0999b6122f9e7f3683b159cec81
Effect Meet the Meat Meat Drop: +100, Gear Drop: +50
You acquire an effect: Meet the Meat (100)

Looking at item #9729...
Unknown item found: Third Base (9729, 434274124)
9729 Third Base 434274124 fruity.gif drink t,d 5
Third Base 1 4 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item Third Base Effect: "Third Based", Effect Duration: 40
2358 Third Based fruity.gif adf7c629e7cd5654b2d6e5abc6e65cda drink 1 Third Base
Effect Third Based Pickpocket Chance: +25

The Fortune teller lets you get a buff once a day from one of the 6 listed NPCs. You get to check your compatibility 3 times per day with clan mates which is where the items come from (they arrive in k-mail after the person answers). I assume both of these will reset on ascension as well as rollover.
The buff from Susie is:

Encounter: Madame Zatara?s Relationship Fortune Teller
2366	A Girl Named Sue	nopic.gif	eef202f6b563297c3a25b04f73afeaa4
Effect	A Girl Named Sue	Familiar Weight: +5, Experience (familiar): +5, Familiar Damage: +10
You acquire an effect: A Girl Named Sue (100)
Unknown item found: Clan Carnival Game (9712, 395722863)
9712 Clan Carnival Game 395722863 crate.gif usable t 0
Item Clan Carnival Game Free Pull

The Effect from Hagnk:
2367 There's No N in Love nopic.gif bcdf42bc9f425f052b44dc098d6a903e
Effect There's No N in Love Item Drop: +50, Food Drop: +50, Booze Drop: +50
You acquire an effect: There's No N in Love (100)

Unknown item found: Bettie page (9732, 628593057)
9732 Bettie page 628593057 afuescroll.gif usable t,d 5
Item Bettie page Effect: "Paging Betty", Effect Duration: 20
2361 Paging Betty afuescroll.gif 0c178972a80df4e722f9ab86b865b65d use 1 Bettie page
Effect Paging Betty Mysticality: +5, Spell Damage: +10

Unknown item found: genie's scimitar (9720, 681496794)
9720 genie's scimitar 681496794 geniesword.gif weapon 0
genie's scimitar 50 Mus: 10 1-handed sword
Item genie's scimitar Muscle: +5, Weapon Damage: +5
135 Genie Garments genietat.gif genie's scimitar
Outfit Genie Garments Critical Hit Percent: +5
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Looking at item #9733...
Unknown item found: tonic o' Banderas (9733, 898307239)
9733 tonic o' Banderas 898307239 potion13.gif usable t,d 5
Item tonic o' Banderas Effect: "Bandersnatched", Effect Duration: 20
2362 Bandersnatched potion13.gif 4189b8bef42320e88cd72704b422d55b use 1 tonic o' Banderas
Effect Bandersnatched Moxie: +5, Ranged Damage: +10
2371 They Call Him Shifty Because... nopic.gif 40a696f8a48a0f66172abdfeb3bd389c
Effect They Call Him Shifty Because... Experience (Moxie): +5, Moxie Percent: +100, Initiative: +50
9727 heart-shaped candy whetstone 125701354 heartstone.gif food t,d 5
heart-shaped candy whetstone 1 4 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item heart-shaped candy whetstone Effect: "Sharpened Sweet Tooth", Effect Duration: 40
2356 Sharpened Sweet Tooth heartstone.gif 9ced7398c45b526cbe7855e98d1dbc9a eat 1 heart-shaped candy whetstone
Effect Sharpened Sweet Tooth Candy Drop: +25
Looking at item #9731...
Unknown item found: Fabiotion (9731, 566108269)
9731 Fabiotion 566108269 wbpotion.gif usable t,d 5
Item Fabiotion Effect: "Faboooo", Effect Duration: 20
2360 Faboooo wbpotion.gif aa12203b22fcd864dfd820635a2c9ccf use 1 Fabiotion
Effect Faboooo Muscle: +5, Weapon Damage: +10

Looking at item #9728...
Unknown item found: Swedish massage fish (9728, 530098641)
9728 Swedish massage fish 530098641 fishy2.gif food t,d 5
Swedish massage fish 1 4 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item Swedish massage fish Effect: "Like a Fish to Walter", Effect Duration: 40
2357 Like a Fish to Walter fishy2.gif 46d4fc74ab55d96e8cb4282ceb65227a eat 1 Swedish massage fish
Effect Like a Fish to Walter Fishing Skill: +5

Looking at item #9719...
Unknown item found: genie's turbane (9719, 525809201)
9719 genie's turbane 525809201 genieturban.gif hat 0
genie's turbane 50 Mox: 10
Item genie's turbane Adventures: +2, Maximum HP: +10
2370 Everybody Calls Him Gorgon wizhat2.gif 02b8d870bf8b1c21cce9cdd618f6bcb5
Effect Everybody Calls Him Gorgon Experience (Mysticality): +5, Mysticality Percent: +100, Maximum MP Percent: +50
You acquire an effect: Everybody Calls Him Gorgon (100)

Unknown item found: heather graham cracker (9734, 236127812)
9734 heather graham cracker 236127812 grahamcracker.gif usable t,d 5
Item heather graham cracker Effect: "Graham Crackling", Effect Duration: 20
2363 Graham Crackling grahamcracker.gif 0fbfda0a077a76f7ba4525f00e1c19c5 use 1 heather graham cracker
Effect Graham Crackling Maximum HP: +10, Maximum MP: +5
9723 psychic's circlet 897303017 diadem.gif hat 0
psychic's circlet 100 Mox: 35
Item psychic's circlet Adventures: +3, MP Regen Min: 3, MP Regen Max: 6
136 Psychic Enpsemble psychictat.gif psychic's circlet, psychic's pslacks
Outfit Psychic Enpsemble Spell Critical Percent: +10
9724 psychic's crystal ball 637526279 crystalball.gif offhand 0
psychic's crystal ball 100 Mys: 35
Item psychic's crystal ball Muscle: +5, Mysticality: +5, Moxie: +5, Initiative: +20
136 Psychic Enpsemble psychictat.gif psychic's crystal ball
Outfit Psychic Enpsemble Spell Critical Percent: +10
9725 psychic's pslacks 299629436 bb_pants.gif pants 0
psychic's pslacks 100 Mox: 35
Item psychic's pslacks PvP Fights: +3, HP Regen Min: 5, HP Regen Max: 10
136 Psychic Enpsemble psychictat.gif psychic's pslacks
Outfit Psychic Enpsemble Spell Critical Percent: +10
9726 psychic's amulet 436054087 psychamulet.gif accessory 0
psychic's amulet 100 Mys: 35
Item psychic's amulet Spell Damage: +10, Spooky Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
136 Psychic Enpsemble psychictat.gif psychic's amulet
Outfit Psychic Enpsemble Spell Critical Percent: +10
9739 Mysterious Red Box 252328462 dreadbox.gif none t 0
# Item Mysterious Red Box
9740 Mysterious Green Box 984001760 dreadbox.gif none t 0
# Item Mysterious Green Box
9741 Mysterious Blue Box 153708947 dreadbox.gif none t 0
# Item Mysterious Blue Box
9742 Mysterious Black Box 126440301 dreadbox.gif none t 0
# Item Mysterious Black Box
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Currently, in classskills.txt:
4041	Love Mixology	potion9.gif	3	50	0

This defines Love Mixology as type 3 (Noncombat non-shruggable effect)
But maybe it is better classified as type 1 (Noncombat item summon)
Unknown item found: eaves droppers (9737, 834104982)
9737 eaves droppers 834104982 earwarmer.gif none, usable, curse t,d 5
# Item eaves droppers
Unknown item found: heart cozy (9736, 419274968)
9736 heart cozy 419274968 heartwarmer.gif none, usable, curse t,d 5
# Item heart cozy

I'm helping!
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Making something that works is pretty simple. The hard part is deciding on sane parameters for a CLI command. Especially since it isn't reasonable to assume whether people want to "match" the "standard" response, if one assumes there is a standard response. Food/booze versus hearty item, potion versus mystery, genie gear versus psychic gear. NPC buffs seem to not care about your inputs. (I only know what public spading has uncovered.)

Many people will likely want to use cheesefax for automated clanmate consultations, but I think it's safe to say that switching clans won't be part of the built-in functionality.