Feature - Implemented Track Mafia thumb ring gained adventures

Looks like it's working for me: 519 total adv, 21 thumb ring advs. What about adding it to the daily deed panel where the "Advs" section lists gibberer and Vmask? Thanks for implementing this fronobulax!
r18384 - Whilst I can't see a need for it, I also can't see why the others would be included AND this excluded.
r18384 - Whilst I can't see a need for it, I also can't see why the others would be included AND this excluded.


I probably would have moved all of them out of Daily Deeds and into session results, perhaps with highlighting.
I would expect them all to be in session results, whether or not there is a way to see a count in the GUI. It would help with spading patterns and such.
Ain't working for me. Just says "Advs:" in the Daily Deeds tab. It has most definitely triggered once already today.

After Battle: You gain 1 Adventure
Your weighty thumb ring walloped.

> version

KoLmafia v17.12 r18385
same issue as malibu, the thumbringadvs are recording right in prefs.txt but the DD panel says:

Advs: 0 gibberer, 0 V mask,

That trailing comma is new in the last few builds though, like it wants to display something but isn't
same issue as malibu, the thumbringadvs are recording right in prefs.txt but the DD panel says:

Advs: 0 gibberer, 0 V mask,

That trailing comma is new in the last few builds though, like it wants to display something but isn't

Try r18388.
So, given this has been out a while, and some must be using the ring a lot, and there is no wiki spading, what % of fights give adventures? 2%, 5%, 10% ?
It seems to be somewhere between 3 and 5%. (Which is actually a really annoying range, 5% would make it better than typical meat drop accessories for farming barf, while 3% would make it worse).