New Content - Implemented October 2017 IotM - XO Skeleton (familiar)

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Looking at item #9541...
Unknown item found: xo-skeleton-in-a-box (9541, 173076297)
9541 xo-skeleton-in-a-box 173076297 xobox.gif grow t 0
# Item xo-skeleton-in-a-box
New familiar: "XO Skeleton" (213) @ xoskeleton.gif

9544	O	791555172	xoo.gif	none	t,d	1
# Item O
XO Shop	buy	2	pair of candy glasses	ROW953
9551	pair of candy glasses	407570273	xoglasses.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	pair of candy glasses	Effect: "Sucrose-Colored Glasses", Effect Duration: 10
2322	Sucrose-Colored Glasses	xoglasses.gif	26e604cb70ce5f719805428eb353c4a6	use 1 pair of candy glasses
Effect	Sucrose-Colored Glasses	Item Drop: +50
XO Shop	buy	2	temporary X tattoos	ROW957
9552	temporary X tattoos	857889805	xotats.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	temporary X tattoos	Effect: "Straight-Edgy", Effect Duration: 100
2323	Straight-Edgy	xotats.gif	fc18c2b4b237352c68ed1a6ff9ba1edf	use 1 temporary X tattoos
# Effect Straight-Edgy
XO Shop	buy	3	Hide-rox™ cookie	ROW956
9549	Hide-rox™ cookie	458669388	xocookie.gif	food	t,d	5
Hide-rox™ cookie	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Hide-rox™ cookie	Effect: "Broken Bone Nubs", Effect Duration: 30
2324	Broken Bone Nubs	looseteeth.gif	352bd5270885c9963ba296e7a22eea72	eat 1 Hide-rox™ cookie
Effect	Broken Bone Nubs	Mysticality Percent: +50, Maximum MP: +25, Spell Damage Percent: +25
XO Shop	buy	3	jug of booze	ROW955
9550	jug of booze	817676160	jug.gif	drink	t,d	5
jug of booze	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	jug of booze	Effect: "Booze Goozles", Effect Duration: 30
2325	Booze Goozles	jug.gif	477e70b089e9a26f4f0113746e29419f	drink 1 jug of booze
Effect	Booze Goozles	Moxie Percent: +50, Initiative: +25, Ranged Damage Percent: +25
XO Shop	buy	5	glyph of athleticism	ROW958
9553	glyph of athleticism	879213986	xorings.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
glyph of athleticism	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	glyph of athleticism	Effect: "Turn On, Tune In, Play Ball!", Effect Duration: 50
2326	Turn On, Tune In, Play Ball!	xorings.gif	2445ed9e7156aa7928d3d364c8418fe3	chew 1 glyph of athleticism
Effect	Turn On, Tune In, Play Ball!	Muscle Percent: +50, Maximum HP: +50, Weapon Damage Percent: +25
XO Shop	buy	2	pair of scissors	ROW959
9554	pair of scissors	690072174	xoscissors.gif	none, combat	t,d	5
# Item pair of scissors
XO Shop	buy	31	new habit	ROW960
9555	new habit	918930002	xocalendar.gif	usable	t,d	100
Item	new habit	Effect: "Habituated", Effect Duration: 365
2327	Habituated	xocalendar.gif	a6141eccb4e796983dc747f5b3b2949f	use 1 new habit
# Effect Habituated: Lets you exercise your habit in combat.
XO Shop	buy	23	bridge truss	ROW961
9556	bridge truss	871587190	xotruss.gif	none	q	0
# Item bridge truss
XO Shop	buy	37	pearl necklace	ROW962
9557	pearl necklace	202718409	xonecklace.gif	accessory	q	0
pearl necklace	0	Mox: 37
Item	pearl necklace	Sleaze Damage: +23, Sleaze Spell Damage: +37, Moxie Percent: +69, Single Equip

9542 exo-xo-skeleton-skeleton 721163885 xominiskel.gif familiar t,d 75
Item exo-xo-skeleton-skeleton Familiar Weight: +5
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And yet more:

XO Shop	buy	111	amorphous blob	ROW963
9558	amorphous blob	452792037	xoblob_small.gif	usable	q	0
# Item amorphous blob
9559	giant X	631512662	xobigx.gif	none	t,d	10000
# Item giant X
9560	giant O	640675201	xobigo.gif	none	t,d	10000
# Item giant O

There's also the amorphous blob monster, but mafia is not showing it as an unknown manuel monster just yet. Attack/Defense/HPs ?, Slime, No element, Never wins initiative.
As well as a new familiar skill.
id	Name	image	Type	MP Cost	Duration[	Level]
7293 Hugs and Kisses! nopic 5 0 0
That took a while:

New monster #2032 found in Manuel with name 'amorphous blob' image 'xoblob.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: slime'
As well as a new familiar skill.
id	Name	image	Type	MP Cost	Duration[	Level]
7293 Hugs and Kisses! nopic 5 0 0

This skill attempts to steal an item. When you successfully steal,
<name> gives your opponent a great big hug and kiss. While your foe shudders from having a bunch of their life drained away, <name> yoinks something from their pocket, which he gives to you with a big ol' skeleton smile.

When you fail to steal an item:
<name> gives your opponent a great big hug and kiss. He doesn't manage to pick their pocket, but he does steal a fair amount of their life force for you.

The skill is disabled after 11 successful steals, so a counter would be great.
Drinking 1 jug of booze...
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 20 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Booze Goozles (30)
You gain 1 Drunkenness

Zombie Slayer, Mongoose, no Ode, I forget what else could be relevant.

You acquire an item: glyph of athleticism
You gain 72 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
You acquire an effect: Turn On, Tune In, Play Ball! (50)

We can officially mark those as 0 adventures.
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XO Shop buy 11 giant amorphous blob ROW964
Unknown item found: giant amorphous blob (9561, 139399975)
9561 giant amorphous blob 139399975 xoblob.gif usable q 0

New monster #2033 found in Manuel with name 'giant amorphous blob' image 'xoblob_big.gif' attributes ='Atk: 10000 Def: 9000 HP: 20000 Init: 500 P: slime'
# Item giant amorphous blob
The smaller one scales to your stats, to a maximum of 10k. 10010 attack/defense when I fought him with 10 ml, so I can't say if it's your stats, or your stats + 10 or 20.
When using the modifier maximizer to get more item drop, it's helpful enough to suggest making and using a pair of candy glasses, but then fails when I actually click execute to do so:
Verifying ingredients for pair of candy glasses (1)...
Creating 1 pair of candy glasses...
You acquire an item: pair of candy glasses
Successfully created pair of candy glasses (1)
Unknown item pair of ashq string [int] type
When using the modifier maximizer to get more item drop, it's helpful enough to suggest making and using a pair of candy glasses, but then fails when I actually click execute to do so:
Verifying ingredients for pair of candy glasses (1)...
Creating 1 pair of candy glasses...
You acquire an item: pair of candy glasses
Successfully created pair of candy glasses (1)
Unknown item pair of ashq string [int] type

You have an alias for "candy" interfering with that. You can fix it by making your alias "candy %%" instead, and then "unalias candy".
Could we get a charges counter for this familiar similar to the Robin & Candle?
X's drop from the first combat then every 9th combat after that. O's drop after the 6th combat then every 9th combat after that.
So the sequence of drops is 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 24 which reduces to +5 then +4 then repeat.


Hopefully I have the tracking right in r18405, as I'm in Boris and can't check.

It's kind of funky for me. It keeps switching between "-1/9 X, 3/9 O" after I get an X drop and "4/9 X, -1/9 O" after I get an O drop. Neither counter increments after a combat.

> version

KoLmafia v17.12 r18406
Oh, another thing about those that's found myself wanting: a counter that tells you how many Xes/Os you already have in your inventory when you get a new one, like it does for bacon, that way, I can easily see if I need to keep running the XO Skeleton.
Forgot to add the FightRequest code!

r18408 should fix that and also add a counter / link to store.

Can someone test ?