New Content - Implemented Horsery


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9527	Horsery contract	424338680	horserycontract.gif	usable	t	0
# Item Horsery contract: Installs a Horsery in Seaside Town
# Item Horsery contract: (and unlocks Horse Armor DLC for West of Loathing)

Using it installs a Horsery on the Right Side of the Tracks.
I think everything is done for this in 18184. I guessed at 5% for the combat rate modifier, but if that's wrong then it's an easy change (in ChoiceManager, if someone else happens to do it).

Added horseryAvailable for the things that need to know that. If your script wants to check for the horse being set already, _horsery should be an empty string if and only if it isn't set.
I know that the crazy horse gives you random buffs that last 5 adventures, after combat. But only when you don't have one if its buffs active.
The dark horse seems to give between 10 and 15 meat at the end of combat, though 12 is a more common number.
Haven't tried out the other horses, because the first one's free each day.
I opened horsery page in relay browser while a script was running in gCLI (only simple things), and when I clicked a horsebutton, I got a " returned no data" browser error, and no horse was chosen.
(Later when there was nothing else running in betweemn, clicking a horse in relay browser worked normally and correctly - correct text response, horse actually chosen)
It appears that this is yet another new breed of a choice encounter (AFAIK the first one doesn't even let you go away, another doesn't care what you did in between and just processes whatever button you POST, and another tells you "you are not in a choice encounter anymore" - and now there's one that doesn't work at all (with mafia)?)
I opened horsery page in relay browser while a script was running in gCLI (only simple things), and when I clicked a horsebutton, I got a " returned no data" browser error, and no horse was chosen.
(Later when there was nothing else running in betweemn, clicking a horse in relay browser worked normally and correctly - correct text response, horse actually chosen)
It appears that this is yet another new breed of a choice encounter (AFAIK the first one doesn't even let you go away, another doesn't care what you did in between and just processes whatever button you POST, and another tells you "you are not in a choice encounter anymore" - and now there's one that doesn't work at all (with mafia)?)

This is a choice that lets you walk away. My first guess is that your script running in the gCLI walked away from it (doing something else that uses choice.php maybe?) so your relay browser click in the horsery choice was no longer valid. Just a guess, since I don't know what that script was doing.

I guess mafia incorrectly assumed you were successful, though (which is the only part that really matters for supporting this?). The page before you submit the request is the only one that says what Crazy Horse does, and I didn't want another setting to track what that ends up as if you happen to choose it.
It's be nice to have better logging. At least, logging "The Horsery" when going to the appropriate place.php place.

My session log has this:

Took choice 1266/2: Rent This Horse

(It also has this, immediately after that:

Took choice 1118/3: moxie training

It clearly takes a while for us to notice things like this. :) )

I also notice that my DEBUG log has this:

<p>Some extra meat has appeared in your pouch when you weren't looking. Presumably Sly India's doing.<center><table><tr><td><img src="" height=30 width=30 alt="Meat"></td><td valign=center>You gain 10 Meat.
My session log has this:

Round 6: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: You gaze into the snowglobe and remember that time at KoL Con IV, when you and CheeseFighter the Tipsy and Admiral Mustard won DanBob's trivia contest with your vast stores of useless esoteric knowledge!
After Battle: You gain 8 Mysteriousness
After Battle: The swarm of mayflies buzzes away. "I'll see you tomorr..." you begin, but finish your sentence with a single tear.
After Battle: A love cricket plays a jaunty tune for you. You tap your feet.
After Battle: Psychic Grrl surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
After Battle: "Trick or treat!" Hasemary yells at your fallen foe. With their last breath, they dump a handful of candy in her bucket. How heartwarming!
After Battle: You gain 27 hit points
After Battle: You gain 43 Mojo Points
You gain 3629 Meat
You gain 10 Meat.
You acquire an item: expensive camera
You acquire an item: bag of gross foreign snacks
You gain 59 Meat.
After Battle: You gain 9 Beefiness
After Battle: You gain 8 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 23 Roguishness
As you can see, I had a lot of after-battle things recorded. Most of them are not tagged to let you understand the source.

The 10 Meat came from the dark horse.
The 59 Meat came from Screege's spectacles, I think.

Too bad neither of those is tagged as a "familiarmessage", which would allow us to automatically log the message. Your Horsery horse certainly FEELS like it would warrant such; VYKEA companions log with that tag.

That might be an implementation oversight. Perhaps the devs will fix it, by and by. If somebody brings it to their attention. :)
It would be nice to have a "horsery" CLI command for getting the buffs. There is already a "witchess" command for getting the witchess buff: this feel like it would be very similar to that.
It looks like this works for the time being:


Option 2 is the Dark Horse in this instance.