Feature - Implemented Grey out the Gingerbread Mob Hit button


I'm using r18002

If I use Shattering Punch 3 times (the limit), the button gets greyed out, preventing me from using it again.

However, if I use Gingerbread Mob Hit once (the limit), the button is still there as if it was never used.

I'm pretty sure the difference is on KoL's end.

I'm a little confused as to what you mean, and if I'm misguided, feel free to tell me! ... but until then, I'll say:

if _gingerbreadMobHitUse = true, the button is still there for use during a battle. If you click on it, after it was used, it says:

"You've already called in a favor from the Gingerbread goons today. Best to not overstep your bounds."

I believe it should be greyed out the way that "Shattering Punch" is. That's all.

All the best,
Usually in KOL when you cannot use a combat skill any more it no longer appears in the skill drop down. When that happens mafia greys out the corresponding skill button.

In this case it appears that KOL is not removing the unusable skill from the skill box.
Usually in KOL when you cannot use a combat skill any more it no longer appears in the skill drop down. When that happens mafia greys out the corresponding skill button.

In this case it appears that KOL is not removing the unusable skill from the skill box.

Ah, I understand now, thank you kindly. Does that mean that it would be difficult to set buttons based on mafia settings and not KoL settings? If mafia sees that, for example, _gingerbreadMobHitUse = true, it sets the button to grey despite KoL saying otherwise, for example.
Also, ignoring KoL would mean that if someone set their values wrong, the relay browser would be wrong again. Your best choice would be verifying that the unusable skill shows in the dropdown, and then making a vanilla KoL bug report.
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I'm updating the tag from Bug to Feature Request.

Feel free to reject the request, but this is definitely not a mafia bug.
I believe this should work (in theory) and allow you to change / eliminate the buttons that might not work if this bothers you in the future. This is totally untested (I don't have the skill and don't use the buttons).
You can set a relay script for fights that will reset the Gingerbread Mob Hit button (skill 163). Just save this as 'fight.ash' in your relay folder:
if (get_property("_gingerbreadMobHitUsed").to_boolean()) {
	foreach ss in $strings[stationaryButton1, stationaryButton2, stationaryButton3, stationaryButton4, stationaryButton5] {
		if (get_property(ss)=="163") { set_property(ss,"");

Edit: you could also put this bit in an after-adventure script, or a before-adventure script.
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As long as you are making fight.ash, I'd suggest just removing the skill from KoL's dropdown, if it is present.
fwiw, I already filed a bug report on this in kol a few months back, but they didn't seem very interested in it.