Feature - Rejected Color unusual construct manacle release colors in combat text


Staff member
I use the Combat Action Bar, so whenever Mafia tries to helpfully select an item for me, I don't see anything (aside: is there a workaround that isn't "disable the action bar"?). The attached patch colorizes the hint word in the combat text according to the color you should select.

It colorizes the white word white, which isn't the best for readability, but it was the simplest option.

Rejecting: `unusual_construct_disc()` gets the disc while in combat, or you can use a `fight.ash` script to display the old bar in some circumstances.


  • unusual_construct_colors.patch
    2.3 KB · Views: 25
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Oooh! It's time for another game of show off our neato relay scripts. Here's my fight.ash which only shows the old combat form if you can steal an accordion or for specific monsters like the wall of skin, wall of bone, gremlins that might have a tool, dad sea monkey and the unusual construct. It also does a bunch of other helpful things:

monster mob;

buffer loadPage() {
	if(form_fields() contains "runcombat" && form_field("runcombat") == "heckyes")
		return run_combat();
	buffer page = visit_url();
	mob = last_monster();
	// Add doctype to escape quirks mode
	return page.replace_string('<html>', '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">\n<html>');

void showForm(buffer page) {
	boolean SpecialMonster() {
		switch(mob) {
		case $monster[batwinged gremlin]:
			return my_location() != $location[Near an Abandoned Refrigerator];
		case $monster[erudite gremlin]:
			return my_location() != $location[Out By that Rusted-Out Car];
		case $monster[spider gremlin]:
			return my_location() != $location[Over Where the Old Tires Are];
		case $monster[vegetable gremlin]:
			return my_location() != $location[Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it];
		case $monster[wall of skin]:
		case $monster[wall of bones]:
		case $monster[Dad Sea Monkee]:
		case $monster[unusual construct]:
			return true;
		return false;

	skill monsterSkill() {
		switch(mob) {
		case $monster[fire truck]:
			if(have_skill($skill[Volcanometeor Showeruption]) && item_amount($item[volcanic ash]) > 3)
				return $skill[Volcanometeor Showeruption];
			return $skill[Awesome Balls of Fire];
		case $monster[ice cream truck]:
			return $skill[Snowclone];
		case $monster[monster hearse]:
			return $skill[Raise Backup Dancer];
		case $monster[sewer tanker]:
			return $skill[Eggsplosion];
		case $monster[sketchy van]:
			return $skill[Grease Lightning];
		return $skill[none];

	string select;
	matcher skillCheck = create_matcher(">(?:Wink at|Unleash Nanites|[^>:]+: Fire a badly romantic arrow|Release the Boots)", page);
	if(skillCheck.find()) select = skillCheck.group(0);
	else if(my_location() == $location[A Deserted Stretch of I-911])
		select = ">"+monsterSkill();
	else if($familiar[Happy Medium].image == "medium_3.gif" && page.contains_text("Siphon Spirits"))
		select = ">Siphon Spirits";
	if(limit_mode() != "" || SpecialMonster() || page.contains_text("Steal Accordion") || page.contains_text("% chance of being free)") || select != "") {
		// Fix selected skill
		if(select != "") {
			page = page.replace_string('" selected>', '" >');
			page = page.replace_string(select, "selected"+select);
		// If CAB is present, un-hide the old combat form && only if form has option to unhide (not last round)
		if(page.contains_text("<div id=topbar>") && page.contains_text("<a href='#'")) {
			string result = replace_all(create_matcher("(<div id='fightform' class='hideform'>|<br><a href='#'[^<]*</a>)", page), "");

buffer nanorhino(buffer page) {
	buffer charge_form() {
		buffer form;
		form.append('<form name=nano action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="skill"><tr><td align=center><select name=whichskill><option value=\'none\'>Nanorhino at full CHARGE!</option>');
			form.append('<option value="1022" picurl="clobber" >Clobber (Nano-banish) </option>');
			form.append('<option value="2023" picurl="toss" >Toss (Nano-banish)</option>');
		if(have_skill($skill[Spaghetti Spear]))
			form.append('<option value="3020" picurl="line" >Spaghetti Spear (Gray Goo)</option>');
			form.append('<option value="4020" picurl="salsaball" >Salsaball (Gray Goo)</option>');
			form.append('<option value="5021" picurl="hernia" >Suckerpunch (Yellow Ray)</option>');
			form.append('<option value="6025" picurl="breath" >Sing (Yellow Ray)</option>');
		form.append('/select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Skill"></td></tr></form>\n</td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr>');
		return form;

	if(my_familiar() == $familiar[Nanorhino] && get_property("_nanorhinoCharge") == "100")
		return page.replace_string("</td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr>", charge_form());
	return page;

// Weirdeaux monster part counter by Deadned (#1909053)
// http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?17091-weirdeaux-monster-stat-box
buffer weirdeaux(buffer page) {
	if(my_location() != $location[The Mansion of Dr. Weirdeaux])
		return page;

	record part {
		string name;
		string ef;
		float factor;
	static {
		part [int] bod;
			bod[1] = new part("Shark", "Multiplies Monster Attack by ", 1.2);
			bod[2] = new part("Leopard", "Multiplies Monster Defense by ", 1.2);
			bod[3] = new part("Bear", "Multiplies Monster HP by ", 1.2);
			bod[4] = new part("Bee", "Sometimes dodges attacks", 0.0);
			bod[5] = new part("Snail", "Reflects spells", 0.0);
			bod[6] = new part("Cheetah", "Always gets the jump", 0.0);
			bod[7] = new part("Hedgehog", "Deals damage when hit with melee attacks", 0.0);
			bod[8] = new part("Wolf", "Passively deals spooky damage each round", 0.0);
			bod[9] = new part("Elephant", "Adds elemental resistance", 0.0);
		part [int] head;
			head[1] = new part("Tiger", "Damage 30% of Max HP at start of combat", 0.0);
			head[2] = new part("Cobra", "You acquire an effect: A Little Bit Poisoned", 0.0);
			head[3] = new part("Gorilla", "You acquire an effect: Flattened (Muscle -50%)", 0.0);
			head[4] = new part("Goat", "You acquire an effect: Konked on the Head (Mysticality -50%)", 0.0);
			head[5] = new part("Pufferfish", "	You acquire an effect: Partially Paralyzed (Moxie -50%)", 0.0);
			head[6] = new part("Giraffe", "  --- ", 0.0);
			head[7] = new part("Frog", "Blocks combat items", 0.0);
			head[8] = new part("Alligator", "Damage 50% of Max HP at start of combat", 0.0);
			head[9] = new part("Naked Mole Rat", "Spooky damage 130% of Max HP at start of combat", 0.0);
			head[10] = new part("Jellyfish", "Sometimes blocks your actions", 0.0);
		part [int] butt;
			butt[1] = new part("Rhinocerous", "Damage 10% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[2] = new part("Spider", "Each round, you acquire an effect: Webbed (All stats penalty by 10 * duration)", 0.0);
			butt[3] = new part("Fire Ant", "Hot damage 30% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[4] = new part("Penguin", "Cold damage 30% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[5] = new part("Skunk", "Stench damage 30% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[6] = new part("Bat", "Spooky damage 30% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[7] = new part("Leech", "Sleaze damage 30% of current HP each round", 0.0);
			butt[8] = new part("Rattlesnake", "Spooky damage 50% of current HP each round & prevents familiar actions", 0.0);
			butt[9] = new part("Scorpion", "You acquire an effect: A Little Bit Poisoned", 0.0);
			butt[10] = new part("Octopus", "Prevents the use of combat skills", 0.0);
	//counts parts in image
	int totalParts = 2;
	int [int] s;
	matcher m = create_matcher("an_seg(\\d)",page);
	while(m.find()) {
		s[ to_int(group(m,1)) ] += 1;
		totalParts += 1;
	if(totalParts > 0) {
		buffer out;
		out.append("<table><tr><th colspan=4 align=left>The monster\'s <b>");
		out.append("</b> pieces are composed of:</th></tr>");
		// Find head
		m = create_matcher("an_head(\\d+)",page);
		if(m.find()) {
			out.append("<tr><td><image src=/images/adventureimages/an_head");
			out.append(".gif height=40></td><td>");
			out.append(head[ m.group(1).to_int() ].name);
			out.append("</td><td> Head </td><td>");
			out.append(head[ m.group(1).to_int() ].ef);
			out.append("</td> </tr>");
		// Find butt
		m = create_matcher("an_butt(\\d+)",page);
		if(m.find()) {
			out.append("<tr><td><image src=/images/adventureimages/an_butt");
			out.append(".gif height=40></td><td>");
			out.append(butt[ m.group(1).to_int() ].name);
			out.append("</td><td> Butt </td><td>");
			out.append(butt[ m.group(1).to_int() ].ef);
			out.append("</td> </tr>");
		for x from 1 to 9 {
			if(to_int(s[x])>0) {
				out.append("<tr><td><image src=/images/adventureimages/an_seg");
				out.append(".gif height=40></td><td>");
				out.append("</td><td> ");
				if(s[x] > 1) {
					out.append("<span style='font-size: 75%;vertical-align:top;'>x </span>");
				if(bod[x].factor != 0)
					out.append(to_string(bod[x].factor ** s[x], "%,.2f"));
				out.append("</td> </tr>");

		matcher n=create_matcher("(<table><tr><td><center><table>.+?</table>)<br>",page);
			return page.insert(n.end(1), out);
	return page;


// Using an item that's not in your inventory advances the round counter without any actions happening. You're told that you don't have the item and the round count increments.
// fight.php?action=useitem&whichitem=1
buffer bad_item(buffer page) {
	string begin = '<option value=0>(select an item)</option>';
	string nothing = '<option picurl=antianti value=1>use nothing</option>';
	int i = index_of(page, begin);
	if(i > 0)
		page = insert(page, i + length(begin), nothing);
	return page;

buffer volcanic_ash(buffer page) {
	string vmse = '<option value="55" picurl="volcmeteor" >Volcanometeor Showeruption (0 Muscularity Points)</option>';
	if(page.contains_text(vmse) && available_amount($item[volcanic ash]) < 1)
		return page.replace_string(vmse, "");
	return page;

buffer ocrs(buffer page) {
	buffer mods;
	void add(buffer b, string s){
		if(b.length() > 0) b.append(", ");
	void check_mods(string title, boolean [string] list) {
		buffer section;
		foreach rand in list
		if(section.length() > 0) {
			section.insert(0, title);
			if(mods.length() > 0)
				mods.append("<br />");
	check_mods("Scary: ", $strings[ticking, ghostly, shaky, hopping-mad, electrified, unstoppable, untouchable]);
	check_mods("Evasion: ", $strings[annoying, phase-shifting, restless, dancin', cartwheeling]);
	check_mods("Aura: ", $strings[filthy, foul-mouthed, haunted, hot, wet]);
	check_mods("Helpful: ", $strings[lazy, narcissistic, twirling, cowardly, frozen]);
	check_mods("Extra: ", $strings[clingy, optimal]);
	int x = page.index_of("<center><table><tr><td><center><table>");
	if(x > 0 && mods.length() > 0)
		page.insert(x, "<b>"+mods+"</b>");
	return page;

buffer source(buffer page) {
	buffer note;
	if(mob == $monster[Source Agent]) {
		// Display amage done by Big Guns
		if(!page.contains_text('picurl="ss_guns" >Big Guns'))
			return page;
		int big_guns = have_skill($skill[Big Guns])? (1 - min(.50, monster_level_adjustment() * .004)) * 300: 0;  // Big Guns damage
		note.append("<center><span style='font-weight:bold; color:");
		if(big_guns < monster_hp())
		note.append(";'>Big Gun Damage: ");
	} else {
		// Note interval to next Source Agent
		matcher interval = create_matcher("var\\s*matrix_speed\\s*=\\s*(\\d+);", page);
		note.append("<center><b>Matrix Speed: ");
	int x = page.index_of("<center><!--faaaaaaart--><table");
	if(x > 0)
		page.insert(x, note);
	return page;

buffer path(buffer page) {
	switch(my_path()) {
	case "One Crazy Random Summer": return ocrs(page);
	case "The Source": return source(page);
	return page;

// darkcodelagsniper: http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?19907-MultiCAB-Show-an-extra-Combat-Action-Bar
buffer addMultiCAB( buffer result ) {
	matcher m = create_matcher( "actionbar\\.\\d+\\.js.*?</script>" , result );
		result.insert( m.end() , "<script src='MultiCAB.js'></script>" );
	return result;

void main() {
	buffer page = loadPage();
	page = addMultiCAB(page);
	page = nanorhino(page);
	page = weirdeaux(page);
	page = bad_item(page);
	page = volcanic_ash(page);
	page = path(page);
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