Changing ... wwould get rid of this message


Active member
I am suddenly seeing a lot these messages today, in r17524.

Changing "Spookyraven library key" to "[7302]Spookyraven library key" would get rid of this message
Changing ""I Love Me\, Vol. I"" to "[7262]"I Love Me\, Vol. I"" would get rid of this message
Changing "Staff of Fats" to "[7964]Staff of Fats" would get rid of this message (chit_brickTracker.ash, line 756)
Changing "ancient amulet" to "[7963]ancient amulet" would get rid of this message (chit_brickTracker.ash, line 757)
Changing "Eye of Ed" to "[7962]Eye of Ed" would get rid of this message

Are these officially the new item names I should be using ? Or just a glitch from a recent revision ? Never received them from these scripts before.
Be careful if you decide to edit your scripts to eliminate these messages. Those messages mean mafia found more than one item that matches the supplied text, but at the moment it only suggests one of the IDs (the newer item). Do check to make sure that the item your script is referencing is actually the item ID being suggested (I suspect that Avatar of Ed items are not actually the ones your scripts were intending to reference, for example).
Thanks for the advice. Luckily, I had decided to just leave them be for now. Even though they hurt nothing, it's amazing how they can bother one when they appear every time you make an edit ! lol
Be careful if you decide to edit your scripts to eliminate these messages. Those messages mean mafia found more than one item that matches the supplied text, but at the moment it only suggests one of the IDs (the newer item). Do check to make sure that the item your script is referencing is actually the item ID being suggested (I suspect that Avatar of Ed items are not actually the ones your scripts were intending to reference, for example).

The script is currently referencing the Avatar of Ed items, these messages just mean that it isn't overlooked now.