Feature right-click menu option for encyclopedia


Active member
I often find myself bouncing back and forth between the Encyclopedia and CLI tabs to obtain the more-detailed proxy information for any particular item/skill/monster/etc.. Would it be prohibitively difficult to add a right-click option to the Encyclopedia that prints any particular entry's proxy information to the cli ? Or display the proxy info in the Encyclopedia in some way ? Or some other more clever way to avoid the changing of tabs and typing required to get more details on an entry ? Thanks in advance for considering it !!


Active member
Something like ash $type[specific]?

Edit with Examples:
> ash $item[turtle totem]

Returned: turtle totem
plural => turtle totems
descid => 164978098
image => totem.gif
smallimage => totem.gif
levelreq => 0
quality =>
adventures =>
muscle =>
mysticality =>
moxie =>
fullness => 0
inebriety => 0
spleen => 0
minhp => 0
maxhp => 0
minmp => 0
maxmp => 0
dailyusesleft => 0
notes =>
quest => false
gift => false
tradeable => true
discardable => true
combat => false
combat_reusable => false
usable => false
reusable => false
multi => false
fancy => false
candy => false
seller => none
buyer => none
name_length => 12
> ash $familiar[mosquito]

Returned: Mosquito
hatchling => mosquito larva
image => familiar1.gif
name => Gofflesby
charges => 0
drop_name =>
drop_item => none
drops_today => 0
drops_limit => 0
fights_today => 0
fights_limit => 0
combat => true
physical_damage => true
elemental_damage => false
block => false
delevel => false
hp_during_combat => true
mp_during_combat => false
other_action_during_combat => false
hp_after_combat => false
mp_after_combat => false
other_action_after_combat => false
passive => false
underwater => false
variable => false
> ash $monster[baiowulf]

Returned: Baiowulf
id => -100
base_hp => 31
base_attack => 26
base_defense => 21
raw_hp => 20
raw_attack => 15
raw_defense => 13
base_initiative => 10000
raw_initiative => 10000
attack_element => none
defense_element => none
physical_resistance => 0
min_meat => 0
max_meat => 0
min_sprinkles => 0
max_sprinkles => 0
base_mainstat_exp => 3.708333333333333
phylum => dude
poison => none
boss => false
dummy => false
image => baiowulf.gif
images => aggregate boolean [string]
**baiowulf.gif => true
sub_types => aggregate boolean [string]
random_modifiers => aggregate boolean [string]
manuel_name => Baiowulf
wiki_name => Baiowulf
attributes => ULTRARARE NOMANUEL Atk: 15 Def: 13 HP: 20 Init: 10000 P: dude
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