Feature - Implemented Allow Floundry fish as goals for automated adventuring


Well-known member
It currently takes a bit of scripting fu to go fishing for, say, 3 cod. My personal script for fishing parses run_combat(), and I note that digitrev's Fishbot.ash is parsing the session logs to determine when fish drop. There's also a fair bit of scripting awkwardness that results from only being able to adventure one turn at a time.

Much of this awkwardness could be avoided by allowing Floundry fish to be set as goals. Plus it could make fishing more accessible to the common man by making it easy to automate.

Using the specific fish names for the goals could cause conflicts with item names, so I suggest simply using "floundry fish". There's no need to provide the specific fish name to adventure() because if you've already chosen the location you've already chosen the fish as well.

So, if I want to fish for 3 cod, I can visit to Floundry to see where there are cod today, then set "3 floundry fish" as a goal and auto-adventure there. Yay!


Well-known member
Another benefit: a mood script that maintains Combat Rate buffs could check goal_exists("floundry fish") to decide whether to cast +combat buffs.