Bug - Not A Bug "Unhandled redirect"?


Using r17280

When logging in:

Unhandled redirect to /game.php

After every combat:

Unhandled redirect to fight.php?ireallymeanit=1476418746

The number increments every adventure. Seemingly by the amount of combat rounds spent.

After at least two non-combats:

Unhandled redirect to choice.php?forceoption=0

What is going on?


I believe these are harmless messages generated to get a better understanding of how Time Spinner stuff works.

r17280 added "debugging and error checking for unhandled redirects" so that's where the msg comes from; I'm getting it when I use the native increase-effect arrows in the browser charpane:

Unhandled redirect to runskillz.php?whichskill=3010&quantity=10&ajax=1&action=Skillz&ref=1&targetplayer=1083989&pwd=
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (100)


Staff member
Boesbert is correct. Those are harmless debugging messages. They report something, but do not turn the GUI red, so there is no change to what is actually happening to you.

I'll make it so they don't appear for Relay Browser actions, but otherwise, this is Not a Bug.


Probably doesn't matter, but I see them after every fight (during automation) and every choice (during automation) and diving in the swimming pool.

Is there some code that we should be adding, do you think, to stop mafia thinking it is unhandled?


Staff member
Probably doesn't matter, but I see them after every fight (during automation) and every choice (during automation) and diving in the swimming pool.

Is there some code that we should be adding, do you think, to stop mafia thinking it is unhandled?

Or are there circumstances under which we should report what is being seen?


Staff member
Well, they really are unhandled - by the thread that got them. We pass fight.php off to FightRequest.INSTANCE and choice.php to ChoiceManager.CHOICE_HANDLER and automation continues in a different request.

I think the solution will be to comment out the line that prints the message, when we are done examining the Time-Spinner. :)

Although we could add an instance variable to indicate that we know the redirect is not handled in this thread, which will let us see actual potential issues.