Feature - Implemented Please add Spookyraven Goals


I never cared at all about this before Nuclear Autumn, but now I need more adventuring goals for Spookyraven Manor.

The Haunted Kitchen - loosening powder
The Haunted Conservatory - powdered castoreum
The Haunted Bathroom - drain dissolver
The Haunted Gallery - triple-distilled turpentine
The Haunted Laboratory - detartrated anhydrous sublicalc
The Haunted Storage Room - triatomaceous dust

Please! I need to open the way to Lord Spookyraven without being able to cook the bomb.
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There's basically 5 delay on this so it takes exactly six adventures per location, but I cannot just automate 6 adventures because my nuclear backpack's free fights count in the kitchen, gallery and conservatory. (Though they only count after I read the recipe.) I'd rather not risk having lost track of them.