Getting Familiar Weight


I'm trying to add a line to use my boots runaways. The following almost works.

ashq while (get_property("_banderRunaways").to_int()<((familiar_weight($familiar[Pair of Stomping Boots])+weight_adjustment())/5)) {adv1($location[The Toxic Teacups],-1,"");}

Unfortunately it stops two runaways short of the total number available. I was wondering if weight_adjustment() didn't count the 10 pounds from the moveable feast? Is there a more robust way to pull a familiar's total weight?


Staff member
> I was wondering if weight_adjustment() didn't count the 10 pounds from the moveable feast?

It does not.

> Is there a more robust way to pull a familiar's total weight?

Currently, your best option for programmatically determining whether a familiar is feasted or not is to check if it's in get_property("_feastedFamiliars").


Active member
Useful command - modref. You might be looking for familiar weight, hidden familiar weight, familiar weight cap... or it might be something else. Those are just the ones that obviously affect familiar weight in my quick perusal without a feast. :)


yeah feast doesn't show up under any modref item, including hidden familiar weight. And checking _feastedFams doesn't guarantee your fam still has the +10lb buff


ChIT figures out if the familiar is currently feasted based on parsing the charpane because the information isn't available in mafia. Fortunately parsing the charpane isn't an extra server hit for ChIT, but it would be for another script.


Staff member
Based on the code, I think (but haven't verified this personally) that modifier_eval("W") takes feast into account. For what it's worth.