Feature - Implemented Multicasting ancestral recall


As far as I can figure out, this isn't possible at the moment, but it would be neat for those time you're looking to do some extra adventuring!

This is the output I get when I try to multicast (I have 2 blue mana in my inventory):

> cast 2 recall

You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
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Active member
Note: AFAICT, it can't be multicast natively (i.e. "/cast 2 ancestral recall" in chat produces an error even tough I have 2+ casts and man blues left) , so mafia would have to expand cast N ancestrall recall to N copies of cast 1 ancestrall recall.


Aha, I'll try to bug report that and hopefully they feel like fixing it, gonna have to wait until rollover just so I can verify it myself though (unless you want to report it now).


This is a native workaround that is ugly, but works decently, and goes by the logic xKiv mentioned:

Trigger: /multi

Result: /$1 $2 $3 && /$1 $2 $3 &$4 /$1 $2 $3 &$5 /$1 $2 $3 &$6 /$1 $2 $3 &$7 /$1 $2 $3 &$8 /$1 $2 $3 &$9 /$1 $2 $3 &$10 /$1 $2 $3 &$11 /$1 $2 $3 &$12 /$1 $2 $3 &$13 /$1 $2 $3 &$14

/multi cast 1 recall & & & &

^^ that casts recall 5 times. It can go from 1-11, I think.

This can also be used with multi crafting Misc items, or multi using items that have no vanilla multi use support. It's not perfect, but it works.


Staff member
Bumped because I just ran into this, and preferences / inventory are also incorrectly updated (i.e. cast 2 recall will increase the corresponding preference by 2 and remove 2 blue mana from inventory, when only one cast was successful). I'm not entirely sure why it was rejected (KoL bug?).


I added a while() loop to cast Ancestral 10 times in my script, because attempting to multi-cast still removes 10 blue mana from your inventory and sets _ancestralRecallCasts=10 even though it was only cast once and gained 3 advs


Staff member
I'm working on this. I don't like the way "cast 1 ancestral recall" prints absolutely nothing if you have no blue mana or have reached your daily limit.

I am considering making it work like Rainbow Gravitation: "retrieving" the necessary number of mana before casting and printing a message if if can't get enough. Also making it print a message if you ask for more than is allowed.


Staff member
Yeah. I can make Ancestral Recall auto-retrieve mana the same way Rainbow Gravitation auto-retrieves wads. The thing which silently fails when casting a skill with 0 casts currently possible is this code in UseSkllRequest.run:

		this.isRunning = true;
		this.setBuffCount( Math.min( this.buffCount, this.getMaximumCast() ) );
		if ( this.skillId == SkillPool.SUMMON_MINION || this.skillId == SkillPool.SUMMON_HORDE )
			ChoiceManager.setSkillUses( this.buffCount );
		this.isRunning = false;
this.buffCount is the user-requested count.
We potentially lower it with Math.min( this.buffCount, this.getMaximumCast() )
If we set it all the way down to zero, useSkillLoop returns immediately with no comment.

Seems like we could save the before & after count and, perhaps, give a warning if after < before. And seems like we could return immediately if after == 0.


Staff member
[color=green]> cast 3 ancestral recall[/color]

You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.

[color=green]> cast 10 ancestral recall[/color]

(Only 7 casts of Ancestral Recall currently available.)
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.
You gain 3 Adventures
Ancestral Recall was successfully cast.

[color=green]> cast ancestral recall[/color]
I like this well enough. Revision 17348.