Auto 2-day HCCS

Some more ideas:

G-9 hunting: Buff item%, maybe use item familiar
powerleveling: equip barrel lid
powerleveling: use blue taffies after burning free rests
powerleveling: make and use perfume of prejudice for +5 ML
cheat strength at muscle and not hp? slaws guide says different. if the script gets below 20 turns hp test, the effect will still be active for both tests
hp: chew smithereens
-Create a few more state variables so that if the script bombs out, it can be re-run (ex: for deck of every card)
-Consider using the sk8 gnome instead of the goat as an option
-Auto-buy the dramatic range
Heya - great script - super easy to get 2dayers with it - thank you so much.

A couple of general questions though:
I've currently commented out the getG9Serum() section - I guaranteed get beaten up when olfacting and it takes way more than the 0-7 turns to get the drops - is this just bad rng or is there a trick/skill set to it that I'm missing?

The script often bugs out when looking for cherries via clovers - I just go in, buy another clover from the hermit and set it off again and its worked fine from then - is there a mafia setting I'm missing for auto collecting clovers?

The script has also bugged out on the missing of a semi-rare window on day 2 - is that another setting somewhere?
Heya - great script - super easy to get 2dayers with it - thank you so much.

A couple of general questions though:
I've currently commented out the getG9Serum() section - I guaranteed get beaten up when olfacting and it takes way more than the 0-7 turns to get the drops - is this just bad rng or is there a trick/skill set to it that I'm missing?

The script often bugs out when looking for cherries via clovers - I just go in, buy another clover from the hermit and set it off again and its worked fine from then - is there a mafia setting I'm missing for auto collecting clovers?

The script has also bugged out on the missing of a semi-rare window on day 2 - is that another setting somewhere?

Aside from basic passives (+HP and +init namely) and Olfaction, the only relevant skills for the lab are Saucegeyser, Curse of Weaksauce, Itchy Curse Finger, and Springy Fusilli. I suppose I should throw in a Reptilian Fortitude just to make sure, I dunno.

As for failing on clovers, that actually is bad RNG; it kind of assumes you'll get a cherry just from what you have. I suppose I should also have it loot the hermit if it fails, though.

As for missing the SR window, yeah, that happens every time it doesn't either come up during G9 farming or happen to be between shore trips; the g9 farming is where it finds the SR most of the time, I'd think, so commenting that out would screw that up. Since I don't have CI it usually just skips the SR and yellow-rays a novelty tropical skeleton instead of unlocking the island and getting the SR.
I'm trying to run the script, and it runs fine until it gets stuck here:

Running HCCS Day 1...
Selling jewels...
Encounter: Helping Make Ends Meat
Encounter: Helping Make Ends Meat
You don't have enough draws left from the deck to do that today

I have "buy items from NPC stores whenever needed" checked on, tried running with it turned off, just adds "autoSatisfyWithNPCs => true" to the message. Didn't use the deck manually so I have no idea why it's trying to cheat a fourth time.
You'll notice it gives that error on the very first deck draw, so you did already draw from the deck three times, probably by running the script earlier that same day and having it fail somewhere else.

Anyway I just updated the script to make day-1 setup more re-run friendly, since I've been getting a lot of complaints about that.
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It seems to summon spaghetti breakfast, but never eats it; could save some MP by skipping that.

I still can't quite hit 2 days, but since I only just barely satisfy the requirements I can't expect too much of a miracle. Usually runs out of adventures on the last service. Leaves plenty of time for farming every other day, so that works out well.
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Speaking of the tree, here's a version that will use cups of tea at appropriate times if you have them. The lines to use a cuppa Twen tea have been commented out as I'm not sure yet which would be the best use. Malurth is welcome to adopt these changes into the next official script.


Twen Tea seems bad, since it saves 2/3 of a turn on a bunch of contests, while on the other hand, the -combat one straight-up saves 3 turns (for instance), and hot res saves 3 turns (if you haven't already gotten that down to 1 turn).
Implemented those changes Thok, thanks a lot.

It doesn't actually harvest any teas, as I don't know the URLs for that, but it should use them if you have them now.
So I'm having trouble completing the Dinsey powerlevel run. Every turn, I take some stench damage after the combat, and then i end up spending all of my meat trying to recover back to 100%hp before continuing. If the script were a little more daring, I could take two or three battles worth of damage and then use the VIP hot tub to heal.

Is anyone else running into this?
So I'm having trouble completing the Dinsey powerlevel run. Every turn, I take some stench damage after the combat, and then i end up spending all of my meat trying to recover back to 100%hp before continuing. If the script were a little more daring, I could take two or three battles worth of damage and then use the VIP hot tub to heal.

Is anyone else running into this?

Do you have Cannelloni Cocoon HC Permed? Because that should solve the problem.
Cocoon does not remove beaten up, though- do you usually just leave the effect? I lost to the dairy goat in combat with the script, what combat initiative skills do you recommend?
You're not supposed to ever get beaten up. I added a paragraph at the bottom of the script's main page describing relevant combat skills, so prolly give that a look. For initiative skills, Spring Fusilli/Overdeveloped Sense of Self Preservation/Slimy Shoulders/Celerity are your best options.
I'm having trouble with turngen with this script and I dunno if there's anything else I need. I have all the minimum requirments (smithsness, VIP, Dinseyland/70's Volcano, Deck, etc.) as well as most of the other suggested skills (Saucegeyser, Curse of Weaksauce, Itchy Curse Finger, +initiative% buffs, elemental resist, etc.), but I don't have a garden, DNA lab, CI or a spleen familiar. I dunno if anyone has any advice or stuff I absolutely need to make 2-dayers.
Yeah, the script doesn't turngen very well without a Winter garden/Beer garden+snow machine. Doesn't really have any backup plans other than just going to the Cobb's Knob for the semi-rare if you don't have a good garden.
I'm having trouble with turngen with this script and I dunno if there's anything else I need. I have all the minimum requirments (smithsness, VIP, Dinseyland/70's Volcano, Deck, etc.) as well as most of the other suggested skills (Saucegeyser, Curse of Weaksauce, Itchy Curse Finger, +initiative% buffs, elemental resist, etc.), but I don't have a garden, DNA lab, CI or a spleen familiar. I dunno if anyone has any advice or stuff I absolutely need to make 2-dayers.

I'm in pretty much the same boat as you are, and while so far I've been getting 3-days, I did pick up the fist turkey and the golden monkey and those both aren't super-expensive and really help. I've also noticed sometimes it runs out of adventures with astral pilsners still undrunk, and it doesn't seem to have a problem with me chugging one or two and just forging on. Today's day 1 I finished the services with exactly zero advs left, so I downed a pilsner, then the script went to the skeleton store for fruit and ended up with both a turkey and a monkey drop.

So I'd recommend those, and I'm starting to wonder if manually powerlevelling in SMOOCH with the monkey before running AutoHCCS would work out better, I'm not sure how the spleen item drops work or whether you get as many adventures back as you spend.

edit: Yeah I'm pretty much still nowhere near 2-day though. End of day 2, still 2 things left to do with.. 2 adventures left.
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Running HCCS Day 1...

Unable to invoke scripts/precheese.ash

Shit. If it helps it's unable to reach level 8 without me spending 1 turn resting in the Chateau so I dunno if that's it.