KAscend - Hardcore Community Service 3-Day Script


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# KAscend
Kingdom of Loathing - Hardcore Community Service 3-Day Script

This is a HC CS 3 day script that works with minimal IOTMs and minimal skills. This script uses zero adventures beyond the services themselves.
The upside is that there are no variables to the success of this script and you can be any class.

Script benefits:
Few required IOTMS (you theoretically can even drop one of the IOTMs on the list below except deck and be fine, but not supported by this script)
Only one permed skill required (ode)
You can run as any class
There are enough turns each day to do other things like Daily Dungeons, etc. (figure out how many extra adventures you have left before spending)
Take any familiar you like for 100% runs

The script will not run the most efficient 3 day run possible but it will always run any class in 3 days.

RUNTIME NOTE (Seeming fixed in v0.29): If you run the script and it doesn't actually perform any of the services that day just run the script again for that day.

Deck of cards
Winter garden
Smiths tome
Vip key

Ode to booze

Get astral bracers (astral statuette is better if you have it)
Get astral energy drinks

Set your chateau to the stat gain per rest item for your mainstat
Set your chateau to the ceiling fan to save some money (maybe necessary due to mp needs)

Choose Hardcore and Community Service path
Choose any class you like!
Choose any sign that has degrasi

When you first run the script it will tell you what day you're on and ask you if that's correct.
Second it will ask you if you want to end the day with an overdrink. This was added in case you wanted to do other things before the end of the day.

svn checkout https://github.com/Kavokane/KAscend/branches/master/

I may provide limited support if all requirements above are met. Feel free to use this script as a base for any other run.
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Thanks for the script Kavok. I do have a question though. I notice you say the script is class independent but you have the script always cheating empress. Is this intentional because you always want the increased MP or should it use the class specific mainstat card?
Thanks for the script Kavok. I do have a question though. I notice you say the script is class independent but you have the script always cheating empress. Is this intentional because you always want the increased MP or should it use the class specific mainstat card?

You're very welcome! Interestingly enough, you don't need to even level the appropriate mainstat. All of my calculations are based on spending the worst case scenario of 60 adventures each. All food/booze/spleen adventures consumed by the end of the run exceeds the maximum cost of 660.

Any basic "optimization" I put in along the way is to give people a few more adventures at the end of the run or during if you want to farm something (ie: Daily Dungeon, Funfunds, etc).

I would probably recommend keeping it though to ensure you have enough max mana to cast ode. I may optimize this later to cover efficiency and ode coverage both.
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It failed to do the coil service on the first run, probably needs two visit_url("council.php") in a row to get the services page ready to go:

page = visit_url("council.php"); //initial message that the council is in jail
page = visit_url("council.php");
page = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1089&option=11&pwd");
doCLI("use a ten-percent bonus");

Does look kind of silly, but I've often had to do that sort of thing in KoL scripts for whatever reason...

After that it failed to get the emergency margarita, seemingly because I only had 46 adventures and it needed 49-50.
I went back and forth about that extra entry, I guess I'll put it back and hope it helps people.

I'm guessing you missed out on eating the steak? At the end of the day you should have about 250 adventures available to you throughout the day and services only cost up to 180.

It failed to do the coil service on the first run, probably needs two visit_url("council.php") in a row to get the services page ready to go:
page = visit_url("council.php"); //initial message that the council is in jail
page = visit_url("council.php");
page = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1089&option=11&pwd");
doCLI("use a ten-percent bonus");

Does look kind of silly, but I've often had to do that sort of thing in KoL scripts for whatever reason...

After that it failed to get the emergency margarita, seemingly because I only had 46 adventures and it needed 49-50.
It did eat the steak. I re-ran it starting from using the ten-percent bonus (commented out everything before that) after it crashed, and it stopped on "drink margarita" because it didn't have it. Not sure what went wrong... Here's the log:

> Your game says it's day 1. Select day to run:
> When asked to overdrink, 1 will make you overdrink while anything else will let you do it yourself
> Starting Day 1


use 1 carton of astral energy drinks
You acquire astral energy drink (3)

use 1 Deck of Every Card

[1] Deck of Every Card
play 1952 Mickey Mantle (58)
Encounter: 1952 Mickey Mantle
You acquire an item: 1952 Mickey Mantle card

use 1 Deck of Every Card

[1] Deck of Every Card
play III - The Empress (70)
Encounter: III - The Empress
You gain 550 Enchantedness
You gain some Mysticality points!

autosell: 1 1952 Mickey Mantle card
You gain 10,000 Meat

buy 1 toy accordion for 150 each from Armory and Leggery
You spent 150 Meat
You acquire an item: toy accordion

buy 1 third-hand lantern for 100 each from The General Store
You spent 100 Meat
You acquire an item: third-hand lantern

buy 1 maiden wig for 80 each from Degrassi Knoll Bakery and Hardware Store
You spent 80 Meat
You acquire an item: maiden wig
> You have enough mana, skipping rest

cast 3 Summon Smithsness
You acquire Flaskfull of Hollow (3)
You acquire lump of Brituminous coal (3)
You acquire handful of Smithereens (3)

use 3 Flaskfull of Hollow
You acquire an effect: Merry Smithsness (450)

buy 1 sword hilt for 100 each from Meatsmith's Shop
You spent 100 Meat
You acquire an item: sword hilt

[1] Smith 1 lump of Brituminous coal + 1 sword hilt
You acquire an item: Work is a Four Letter Sword
Crafting used 1 each of sword hilt and lump of Brituminous coal

[1] Smith 1 lump of Brituminous coal + 1 third-hand lantern
You acquire an item: A Light that Never Goes Out
Crafting used 1 each of lump of Brituminous coal and third-hand lantern

[1] Smith 1 lump of Brituminous coal + 1 maiden wig
You acquire an item: Hairpiece On Fire
Crafting used 1 each of maiden wig and lump of Brituminous coal

equip weapon Work is a Four Letter Sword

equip off-hand A Light that Never Goes Out

equip hat Hairpiece On Fire

Harvesting your garden
You acquire snow berries (3)
You acquire ice harvest (3)

Trade 1 snow berries, 3 ice harvest
You acquire an item: Ice Island Long Tea

[1] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 1 hit point
You gain 116 Mana Points
You gain 58 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)
> You have enough mana, skipping rest

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)

[1] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 102 Mana Points
You gain 72 Wizardliness
You gain some Mysticality points!

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)

drink 1 Ice Island Long Tea
You gain 25 Adventures
You gain 15 Fortitude
You gain some Muscle points!
You gain 32 Wizardliness
You gain 28 Chutzpah
You gain some Moxie points!
You gain 4 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-4)

buy 2 fermenting powder for 70 each from The General Store
You spent 140 Meat
You acquire fermenting powder (2)

[1] Mix 2 handful of Smithereens + 2 fermenting powder
You acquire Strikes Again Bigmouth (2)
Crafting used 2 each of fermenting powder and handful of Smithereens

drink 1 Strikes Again Bigmouth
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 7 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an effect: Smithsness Cheer (50)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-2)

drink 1 Strikes Again Bigmouth
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 7 Smarm
You acquire an effect: Smithsness Cheer (50)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-2)

buy 1 pickled egg for 40 each from The General Store
You spent 40 Meat
You acquire an item: pickled egg

[1] Cook 1 handful of Smithereens + 1 pickled egg
You acquire an item: This Charming Flan
Crafting used 1 each of handful of Smithereens and pickled egg

eat 1 This Charming Flan
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 12 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 2 Fullness

Trade 2 snow berries
You acquire an item: snow crab

eat 1 snow crab
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 14 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 17 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 11 Smarm
You gain a Moxie point!
You gain 1 Fullness

[COLOR="#FF0000"]--Stopped because no ten-percent bonus. Manually do coil service --[/COLOR]

Took choice 1089/11: unknown
> Your game says it's day 1. Select day to run:
> When asked to overdrink, 1 will make you overdrink while anything else will let you do it yourself
> Starting Day 1


use 1 Deck of Every Card

[1] Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1089/11: Perform Service (60 Adventures)
You lose 60 Adventures
You acquire an item: a ten-percent bonus

[COLOR="#FF0000"]-- Retrying script --[/COLOR]

> Your game says it's day 1. Select day to run:
> When asked to overdrink, 1 will make you overdrink while anything else will let you do it yourself

use 1 a ten-percent bonus
You gain 1000 Beefiness
You gain some Muscle points!
You gain 1100 Enchantedness
You gain some Mysticality points!
You gain some Levels!
You gain 1000 Smarm
You gain some Moxie points!

chew 1 astral energy drink
You gain 25 Adventures
> You have enough mana, skipping rest

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)

equip pants old sweatpants
Took choice 1089/6: unknown
You lose 59 Adventures
You acquire an item: weird gazelle steak

eat 1 weird gazelle steak
You gain 40 Adventures
You acquire an effect: Gaze of the Gazelle (1)
You gain 10 Fullness

use 1 Deck of Every Card

[120] Deck of Every Card
play X - The Wheel of Fortune (67)
Encounter: X - The Wheel of Fortune
You acquire an effect: Fortune of the Wheel (20)
Took choice 1089/9: unknown
> You have enough mana, skipping rest

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)
> You have enough mana, skipping rest

cast 1 The Ode to Booze
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (5)

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 100 Mana Points
You gain 82 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 4 Mana Points
You gain 80 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 2 Mana Points
You gain 83 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 2 Mana Points
You gain 102 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 4 Mana Points
You gain 100 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[120] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 2 Mana Points
You gain 83 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!

maximize booze

maximize item
-- Stopped because no margarita --[/COLOR]

Took the astral statuette, and I think everything else is set up properly.
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Got it, unless I missed it it looks like you might not have the speakeasy or vip clan hall? There are three drinks and a hotdog you get from that which bumps you up quite a bit for adventures. That accounts for 37 adventures right there.

You can still follow the plan the script has layed out but you'll really need to fill those missing drinks and food each day plus ode to make up for it.
Would this script work with only Deck, VIP & Dinseyland?

As it's written now it would not work. Smith and winter garden are major contributors to the daily food/drink to keep up. You might be able to follow the script manually and fill in the food/drink gaps with deck random food and drinks, plus some currency farming to get some dinsey winskeys.
Finished using 3 Flaskfull of Hollow.
Verifying ingredients for Work is a Four Letter Sword (1)...
You need 1 more sword hilt to continue.

Any idea how to continue from here? I bought a sword hilt...
Hey, So I'm just trying out the script for the first time today and it stopped at buying a sword hilt. I went out, bought the hilt, and re-ran the script. but now it won't move past the Deck of every card since it has pulled it already.

What should I do?