Bug - Fixed Custom outfits not refreshed after Spelunky


Staff member
While in Spelunky, all my normal gear is hidden. Only Spelunky Gear is visible in the Gear Changer. No outfits are available, either. (Actually, I have not tried making an outfit with Spelunky gear. That might work, although it's pretty useless.)

When I close the book on Spelunking, we exit that limitmode, and all my normal gear and familiars are visible again. However, the list of Custom Outfits in the Gear Changer is empty - and if I say "outfit Current", say, in the CLI, KoLmafia tells me I don't have an outfit with that name.

If I refresh the session, my Custom outfits are available again.


Staff member
Turns out you can't look at custom outfits or create a new one when you are in Spelunky limitmode.

Revision 16007